DUI and Refusal to Submit for DUI Breath Test (Orange County)
- Date: February 23, 2025
- Facts: Our client was arrested for DUI after police responded to the scene of a crash. While speaking with our client regarding his events of how the crash happened the officer stated he could smell alcohol on his breath and wanted to conduct a DUI investigation to which our client refused to do so. Our client also refused to provide a breath sample.
- Outcome: The State wanted our client to plead guilty to DUI, be placed on 12 months of probation, pay a $1,000 fine and other sanctions. Mr. Fetter was not happy with this plea as he believed the State did not have a strong case, so he took the case to trial where our client was acquitted of all charges and received no conviction, probation, no fine. He walked out of court 100% free of all charges.
Petit Theft (Seminole County)
- Date: February 3, 2025
- Facts: Our client was given a notice of appearance in reference to a shoplifting incident at Target where our client was identified after incorrectly scanning items for a lower price.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to plea our client out with a written plea so he would not need to return to Florida as he lived out of State. His plea included a simple anti-theft class and a withhold of adjudication so we can clear his record.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: January 28, 2025
- Facts: Our client was stopped after not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. The arresting officer believed our client was under the influence because she was slurring her words and speaking slowly. Our client was arrested for DUI and taken to the breath test center where she blew a .247 and .252.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was to get our client approved for Seminole Counties FTOP program by convincing the prosecutor that our client was eligible for the program because her two breath tests average below the cut off threshold for the FTOP program. Our client will not be convicted of a DUI or any other criminal charge. Our client will be eligible to seal her record which Mr. Fetter will assist with.
Battery Domestic Violence (Orange County)
- Date: January 5, 2025
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after getting into an verbal altercation that escalated to physical after the husband pushed his wife backward causing her to hit a shelf.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s wife and she signed a declination of prosecution stating she does not want our client prosecuted for these charges, and she is not afraid of him and this incident was a misunderstanding more than anything else. Once Mr. Fetter shared that with our prosecutor, he was able to get all charges completely dismissed.
False Imprisonment, Battery and Trespass (Seminole County)
- Date: December 13, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for false imprisonment, battery and trespassing after an incident that occurred where he entered into his neighbors garage and tried to hug her while she was working out and would not release her from his grip.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for pretrial intervention where our client was required to undergo a psych evaluation, perform community service and stay out of trouble for a period of 18 months and in return all charges will be dismissed at the end of the 18 month period.
Burglary and Trespassing (Juvenile) (Seminole County)
- Date: December 3, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for burglary and trespassing after she and a couple of friends decided to go inside an unoccupied building and explore it.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the PAY (Prosecution Alternative for Youth) program where our client will start and finish the program and have all of her charges dropped upon completion of the program.
Flee and Elude (Orange County)
- Date: November 25, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for flee and elude after an officer tried to conduct a traffic stop as he was riding a dirt bike on the road without an attached license plate and lane splitting in between vehicles. Our client did not stop and police were able to identify him via D.A.V.I.D and were able to apprehend him as he arrived at his house.
- Outcome: Flee and elude requires a mandatory three year license revocation and a mandatory felony conviction. Mr. Fetter did not want either of these for his client so he was able to work out a plea deal where our client pled to misdemeanor reckless driving with only three months of probation and a driving class.
Felony Criminal Mischief (Orange County)
- Date: November 5, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony criminal mischief after the police were called in reference to two windows being broken at his ex-girlfriends house. Our client was struggling with his mental health and missed a court date after being baker acted resulting in him being picked up on a warrant and placed in the Orange County Jail with no bond.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s prosecutor and he was able to get all charges completely dismissed within 24 hours of being hired. Mr. Fetter is now in the process of helping our client clear his record.
Domestic Violence (Seminole County)
- Date: October 23, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic violence when the police were called in reference to a battery occuring between a husband and wife during an argument discussing infidelity turned heated and our client slapped her husband across the face.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s prosecutor and he was able to get all charges completely dismissed despite the husband not wanting to come and sign a declination of prosecution.
Petit Theft (Seminole County)
- Date: October 2, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested on four different cases for petit theft after getting caught shoplifting at Target and TJ Max.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for pretrial diversion for all four cases. By completing this program, our client will have all of his charges completely dismissed and allow him to be eligible to expunge one of these incident from his record.
Battery Dating Violence (Orange County)
- Date: September 24, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for battery dating violence when the police were called in reference to a battery at a hotel that occured when a male punched a female in the chest and head.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s girlfriend and she signed a declination of prosecution stating she does not want our client prosecuted for these charges, and she is not afraid of her. Once Mr. Fetter shared that with our prosecutor, he was able to get all charges completely dismissed. Mr. Fetter is now in the process of helping our client clear his record.
Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor (Seminole County)
- Date: September 1, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for contributing to the Delinquency of a minor after driving his younger brother to meet up with a friend. The younger brother and his friend were later caught in the car by a police officer having sex. Our client was arrested due to his younger brothers age.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client’s case dropped as our client did not know what his brother was doing in the car and had no prior criminal history whatsoever. Mr. fetter is now helping our client clear this incident from his criminal background record.
DUI (Orange County)
- Date: August 19, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving under the influence after an officer conducted a traffic stop for the driver of a vehicle not wearing his seatbelt. Based on our clients behavior, the officer asked our client how much alcohol he had to drink an our client admitted to drinking prior in the day
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client’s case 100% dismissed after filing motions in our clients case challenging the DUI arrest. Due to the motion to suppress being granted, the State no longer had a good faith basis to continue prosecuting the case.
Possession of Fentanyl and Paraphernalia (Orange County)
- Date: August 1, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of fentanyl and paraphernalia after a search warrant was executed on her house due to suspension of drug activities inside
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client’s case 100% dismissed due to there being multiple people inside the house and proving to the State they could not properly link the drugs found to our client and not one of the other people residing inside her house.
Escape and Attempted Resisting an Officer without Violence (Orange County)
- Date: July 25, 2024
- Facts: Our client was stopped after matching the description of a carjacking victim. While police were attempting to stop our client, he failed to follow police commands to stop walking. While being transported to the jail, he made an attempt to run from police resulting in the additional charge of escape.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients case completely dismissed after having a long conversations with his prosecutor and explaining this incident was a misunderstanding and a case of a mental health episode not a criminal act.
Alcohol Possession by a Person Under 21 Years of Age (Seminole County)
- Date: July 2, 2024
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear after a traffic stop was conducted on a speeding vehicle. During the traffic stop, Officers observed two open alcoholic beverages on the passenger floor boards where our client was sitting.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client complete a four hour drug and alcohol awareness course and convinced the prosecutor to drop all charges. We are now helping our client clear his record to remove this incident from his criminal background check.
Florida Hunting Wild Life Violation 68A-12.007 (Orange County)
- Date: June 24, 2024
- Facts: Our client was given a mandatory court notice after he was stopped by a FWC Officer while hog hunting. Our client had four dogs with him who had collars on them but did not have the proper identification information on the collars.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client put all the proper identification on his collars and share this with the prosecutor. He was then able to convinced the State to drop all charges against our client since all dogs had the proper identification on them.
Felony Driving While license Suspended (Osceola County)
- Date: June 4, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony driving with a suspended license after he was stopped for modifying his exhaust to make the vehicle louder. Our client let the officer know the vehicle was a shop vehicle and he was just trying to get home and he was just down the street. Our client also admitted to knowing his license was suspended.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was first able to get our client license valid for the first time since 2018 by reviewing each item that was suspending our client and instructing him how to fix them. Mr. Fetter was then able to convince the prosecutor to drop all charges against our client.
Possession of Antishoplifting Device and Grand Theft (Seminole County)
- Date: May 22, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of an antishoplifting device and grand theft after getting caught stealing from Macy’s.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for felony pretrial intervntion program. A type of pretrial diversion program that will allow all charges to be dismissed once the program is completed. By completing this program, our client to have her charges completely dismissed and allow herto be eligible to expunge this incident from her record.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: May 14, 2024
- Facts: Our client was stopped after being suspected of driving under the influence. Our client admitted to drinking earlier in the night but did not feel he was under the influence. Our client was asked to perform field sobriety exercises which he refused to complete. Our client also refused to take the breathalyzer.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was to get our client approved for Seminole Counties FTOP program where our client would not be convicted of a DUI or any other criminal charge. Our client will be eligible to seal his record which Mr. Fetter will assist with.
Possession of Cannabis with Intent to Sell with a Weapon (Orange County)
- Date: April 24, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested after officers patrolling a parking garage in downtown Orlando observed a vehicle sitting with multiple passengers and noticed the smell of burnt cannabis. Upon approaching the vehicle, officers noticed a tray with a leafy green substance. After searching the vehicle, cannabis separated into several bags and a 9mm Glock was found.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to convince our clients prosecutor not to file any formal charges as he was found with a relatively small amount of cannabis and he was not trying to sell it. The prosecutor agreed and file a “no information” in our clients case.
Domestic Battery (Orange County)
- Date: April 9, 2024
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear for not having a drivers license. Our client is originally from the UK but because she had been in the States for five years, she was required to have a US Drivers License.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client take and pass her driving test and get a valid license. He was then able to get the State to agree to dismiss her case 100% since she now possessed a valid license. Mr. Fetter was also able to get the Judge to dismiss the companion speeding ticket she also received.
Domestic Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: March 22, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after getting into an argument with his wife. He was accused if taking her phone and throwing it and then cover his wives mouth with his hand causing her lip to be cut.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients wife sign a declination of prosecution stating she did not want to be involved in this case, was not afraid of our client and would not testify. The State quickly dropped this case and we are now expunging our clients record.
Early Termination of Community Control (Seminole County)
- Date: March 2, 2024
- Facts: Our client was currently on community control and wanted to early terminate from probation
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able speak with our client probation officer and confirm the defendant had completed all special conditions, paid all financial obligations and was in good standing with probation. Once confirming the Defendant was in good standing, Mr. Fetter reached out to the State for their position and was able to convince the State to not object. He then filed a motion and Order with the court to grant early termination for our client.
Driving While License Suspended, Attaching Tag Not Assigned and No Valid Registration (Osceola County)
- Date: February 22, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony driving while license suspended, attaching tag not assigned and no valid registration after he was pulled over by an officer performing a tag check.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to meet with our client and explain to him everything he needed to do to get his license 100% valid and how to fix his registration and tag issues. Once our client’s license was 100% valid Mr. Fetter was able to convince our clients prosecutor to drop all three charges against our client.
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon(Orange County)
- Date: February 7, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after a gun was pointed at the victim after there was an argument over parking spaces at Walmart between multiple parties.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate the State’s offer down from a conviction and three years prison to no conviction on the lesser included misdemeanor offense of improper exhibition of a weapon. After a short probation sentence, Mr. Fetter will help our client remove this incident from her criminal background.
Armed Burglary of a Dwelling, Shooting Missile into a Structure, Shooting from a Vehicle and Criminal Mischief (Orange County)
- Date: January 31, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for armed burglary of a dwelling, shoot missile into a structure and Shooting from a Vehicle and criminal mischief after police were dispatched to a home after a caller reported two loud bangs coming from his front door and when he went to investigate, he saw someone running from his porch, get into a vehicle and then fire 8 shots towards him and his house. The victim recognized our client and was able to name him.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter explained to the prosecutor this event took place the day of our client’s brothers funeral when the victim is accused of providing the drugs that resulted in our clients’ brothers overdose. Mr. Fetter was able to work out a plea with the State where our client would avoid prison despite the fact he was facing over 30 years in prison and would not be placed on probation.
Criminal Mischief (Orange County)
- Date: January 3, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for criminal mischief after police were dispatched to a movie theater after our client jumped up, hit a light and damaged it.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter explained to the prosector this was just a misunderstanding with no ill will intented. Just a young kid being dumb and he was willing to pay for any damages. The State spoke with the movie theater who agreed to not move forward with criminal charges. Now that all charges are dismissed 100%, we are helping our client clear this from his criminal history.
Possession of MDPV (Seminole County)
- Date: December 24, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of MDPV after police were dispatched in reference to a battery occurring within a car. Once locating the car, officer began speaking with the two occupants of the car. As our client stepped out of the passenger seat, a clear baggie with a substance fell onto the floor.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter met with our client who insisted the substance was not drugs but donut frosting crumbs. Mr. Fetter told the prosecutor this and put a rush back on the FDLE testing results. Mr. Fetter put pressure on the prosecutor to dismiss this case by declaring the case ready for trial. In response, the State dropped all charges against our client.
Aggravated Battery on a Pregnant Person (Orange County)
- Date: December 4, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated battery on a pregnant person after getting into a heated argument with his wife who was three months pregnant. Our client was trying to push his wife towards the couch when she fell on the floor instead.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter met with our client’s wife, and she signed a declination of prosecution stating she does not want our client prosecuted for these charges and will not corporate for the State. Mr. Fetter shared that her signed declination with our prosecutor and all charges completely dismissed. We are now helping our client clear his record to remove this incident.
Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: November 28, 2023
- Facts: Our 74 year old client was arrested after a coworker alleged she battered her by striking her in the forearm when trying to get past her in doorway.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to speak with her prosecutor and convince him this arrest was bogus, should of never happened, and that no battery took place. The State dropped all of the charges after reviewing her file and we are now removing this incident from her criminal background.
Practicing a Massage without a License and Solicitation of Prostitution (Seminole County)
- Date: November 8, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested practicing a massage without a license and solicitation of prostitution after agreeing to one hour of massage and oral for money to an undercover officer.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to convince the State to send our clients case to pretrial intervention despite the fact that these charges carry a one year in jail minimum sentence. When our client completes pretrial intervention all of her charges will be 100% dropped and we will assist our client in clearing her record.
False Imprisonment of a Child and Commit Aggravated Abuse (Seminole County)
- Date: October 25, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for false imprisonment of a child and commit aggravated abuse after his nine year old neighbor disclosed instances of being tied down to his bed frame with rope and putting a ball gag on him and force him to watch porn.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to first convince the State to file just false imprisonment charges. False imprisonment is an F3, which is the lowest level of felony charges, instead of the crime he was arrested for which was punishable by life in prison. After further negotiations with our prosecutor, Mr. Fetter was able to work out a probationary plea agreement where our client is not a convicted sex offender, is not a convicted felon and will not serve any jail or prison time.
Battery Domestic Violence (Orange County)
- Date: October 7, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for battery domestic violence after getting into an altercation with her adult daughter who was staying at her house temporarily over letting people into the house without permission to enter.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get all charges completely dismissed after informing the prosecutor that the daughter no longer lived in Orlando or Florida, would not be willing to come back to Florida for this case and did not wish her mom any ill-will.
DUI with a Prior Conviction (Seminole County)
- Date: September 27, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after officers responded to a crash near Casselberry’s Patio Bar. Officers suspected our client of being under the influence as she had a slight “stagger in her gait and was extremely talkative” Our client blew a 0.000 and provided a urine sample as well.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter filed motions in our client’s case challenging the evidence as the State did not have the right to ask our client to provide a urine sample after blowing 0.000 as there was no reason to suspect our client of consuming drug and the arresting officer was not a DRE or trained for detecting impairment of drugs. Mr. Fetter was able to get the State to amend the charges of DUI with a prior conviction to a reckless driving. Our client will not have to surrender her license for six months, impound her car or any of the other mandatory sanctions that come with a DUI conviction.
Carrying a concealed Firearm (Seminole County)
- Date: September 3, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after officers patrolling a resort parking lot smelled burning cannabis. After identifying where the smell was coming from, officers asked the occupants of the vehicle if there was any weapons in the vehicle, they responded with yes. After removing the passengers from the vehicle, our client was found to have a small handgun on his waist band and was arrested for carry a concealed firearm.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to resolve our clients case by pleading our client up straight to the Judge after dealing with a difficult prosecutor. Our client had a previous arrest in Georgia and our prosecutor wanted to give our client several years of probation and convict him. By playing straight to the Judge, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client one year of probation and a withhold of adjudication.
DUI and Possession of Cocaine and Fentanyl (Seminole County)
- Date: August 23, 2023
- Facts: Our client was detained after Lake Mary Police responded to a wellbeing check as there was a male asleep in his vehicle blocking the McDonalds. Once awake, the police asked out client to step out and he was arrested after a warrant check showed an out of county warrant. When searched, the police found two small bags of drugs on him which tested positive for Cocaine and Fentanyl. He was arrested for DUI and possession of cocaine and fentanyl.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients DUI reduced to a Reckless Driving as the officer’s failed to notify him of any adverse consequences when reading him his rights after he refused any field sobriety testing. Mr. Fetter was also able to avoid any felony convictions for the drug charges, so our client is not a convicted felon.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: August 2, 2023
- Facts: Our client was stopped and detained after her vehicle matched the description of a separate altercation. After being detained, officers suspected our client of driving under the influence and asked her to perform field sobriety tests.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter’s goal was to have our client approved for Seminole Counties FTOP program so our client would not be convicted of a DUI. The State would not approve our client because her license was suspended at the time of her arrest. Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients license 100% valid and then get approval for FTOP. Once our client finishes the FTOP program, Mr. Fetter will assist our client to seal her record.
Attaching Tag not Assigned (Orange County)
- Date: July 25, 2023
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear for the criminal offense of attaching a tag not assigned. Our client was driving the car with a flat tire to get the tire replaced and was stopped by an officer as he was driving with his hazards on. When the officer ran the tag on the car, it came back registered to a different vehicle.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients sign a declination stating he did not attach the tag. The vehicle was given to him as a gift and the tag was on the vehicle when he received it. The State dropped the case and we are now assisting our client to expunge his record.
Domestic Battery (Orange County)
- Date: July 11, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after the police were called during a physical altercation occurred while our client was intoxicated. He was over at a neighbors house drinking and when he came home he hit his wife in the mouth.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients wife sign a declination of prosecution stating she did not want to be involved in this case, was not afraid of our client and would not testify. The State dropped the case as this was more a misunderstanding than anything else and without our clients wife’s corporation there was not a case.
Failure to Register with DMV (Sexual Offender) (Orange County)
- Date: July 1, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for failure to update his address with DMV. As a convicted sex offender, our client is required register his address and keep his address current. Failure to register with DMV is a third degree felony punishable by up to 5 year in jail and a $5,000 fine.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to provide our prosecutor proof our client updated his address with DMV prior to his arrest and in return the State dropped all charges.
Written Threats to Kill (Seminole County)
- Date: June 21, 2023
- Facts: Our juvenile client was arrested for Written Threats to Kill after being caught writing multiple threatening messages to “shoot up the school” on the girls bathroom at her high school.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to proof there was no actual threat behind our clients’ writings and get her approved for the PAY program. PAY is a 90-day program that is an alternative to formal court proceedings for delinquent juveniles. PAY promotes accountability to the victim and the community through activities such as restitution and community service work, and provides opportunities for personal improvement such as classes, counseling, and work skills.
Habitual Traffic Offender (Orange County)
- Date: June 4, 2023
- Facts: Our client’s received a notice from FLHSMV notifying her that her license was going to be revoked for five years as a habitual traffic offender (HTO)
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to reverse two of the strikes on her driving record, taking her out of HTO-status before her license was officially revoked. Our client’s license is now completely valid!
Felony VOP (Orange County)
- Date: May 17, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested on Felony Violation of Probation after failing to complete probation after transferring her probation to Tennessee in 2009.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter’s goal was to get our client out of jail and back home to Tennessee. Probation’s recommendation was to incarcerate her for the maximum period allowed for her charges, which was 15 years. Mr. Fetter was able to convince the Judge and Prosecutor to reinstate our client on probation to finish any remaining conditions.. Our client was released from jail and is now back in her home state.
Driving while License Revoked and VOP (Orange County)
- Date: May 7, 2023
- Facts: Our client was stopped for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. Our client notified the police officer that his license was suspended. Once the officer confirmed this, our client was taken to jail. This arrest also triggered a violation of probation to be filed.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able identify all items currently suspending our client’s driver’s license. We then helped our client fix each item. Our client then reinstated his driver’s license. Mr. Fetter was then able to convince the prosecutor to voluntarily drop his DWLS case and dismiss the VOP.
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Battery (Orange County)
- Date: April 27, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and battery after getting into a verbal altercation with his adult son. Our client pulled out a gun to try and diffuse the situation.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s son, and he signed a declination of prosecution stating he does not want our client prosecuted for these charges. Mr. Fetter provided the signed declination to our prosecution and was able to get all charges completely dismissed.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: April 13, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for DUI after a traffic stop was initiated for erratic driving. Our client was asked to perform field sobriety test and was arrested for DUI after performing the field sobriety exercises. Our client consented to breath and alcohol testing blew a .14
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client a great outcome! She was not convicted of DUI or any other criminal charge. Mr. Fetter will help our client seal her record.
Unauthorized used of Driver’s License and Fraud (Seminole County)
- Date: March 26, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after being tricked by a friend to deposit fraudulent checks and give him back the cash.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to speak to our clients prosecutor and explain everything that happened and get our client approved for a short pretrial diversion program and will assist him in expunging this incident from his record.
Domestic Battery (Orange County)
- Date: March 8, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for battery domestic violence while on vacation at Disney World. The police were called when our client got into an altercation with her adult daughter that spilled into the hallway and lobby of the hotel.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s daughter, and she signed a declination of prosecution stating she does not want our client prosecuted for these charges. Mr. Fetter shared that with our prosecutor and all charges completely dismissed.
Possession on Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia (Orange County)
- Date: February 16, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia after being pulled over for illegal tint and an expired registration. After being pulled over, the officer could smell the distinct odor of burnt marijuana.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to also get our client approved for a level two drug diversion program to get his possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia charges completely dismissed. After completing the three terms of his program (4 hour substance abuse class, 4 hours of community service and pay cost of prosecution) his case was completely dropped by the State.
Openly Carrying a Firearm (Orange County)
- Date: February 1, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after a traffic stop was conducted for an expired registration. During the traffic stop, the officer noticed a revolver in plain sight. Our client did not possess a concealed carry permit.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to plea our client out with a withhold of adjudication, court costs and 10 hours of community service. Mr. Fetter is now helping our client clear this incident from his record.
DUI (Orange County)
- Date: January 22, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for DUI after being pulled over for a high rate of speed. Once the traffic stop was initiated the cop noticed a strong smell of alcohol coming from our client, red bloodshot eyes and slurred speech.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for a diversion program. This allowed our client to have his charges completely dismissed after completing the program. Mr. Fetter is now helping our client remove this from his record.
Attempted Second Degree Murder, Aggravated Assault, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor(Orange County)
- Date: January 12, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after a warrant was served for a road rage incident that ended in shots being fired our client with a minor child in his car.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client’s attempted second degree murder charge dropped and our client pled only to aggravated assault with a withhold of adjudication. Our client is not a convicted felon and did not have to serve any jail time or prison time.
Reckless Driving (Seminole County)
- Date: December 29, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested for reckless driving after being observed by an officer for driving at a high rate of speed and erratically changing lanes.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to resolve our clients case with no conviction, no jail time, no probation or community service. Our client received no points on his license.
Domestic Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: October 3, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested for battery domestic violence when she got into an argument with her father and pushed him. Her mother called the police just to scare her, not thinking she would get arrested.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s father, and he signed a declination of prosecution stating he does not want our client prosecuted for these charges, and he is not afraid of her. Once Mr. Fetter shared that with our prosecutor, he was able to get all charges completely dismissed. Mr. Fetter is now in the process of helping our client clear her record.
Drug Trafficking and Possession of Controlled Substances with the Intent to Sell (Orange County)
- Date: September 22, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested after officers conducted a traffic stop on him and found he was in possession of various controlled substances including methamphetamine and alprazolam. Officers then located a motel room rented out in his name and found large enough quantities of drugs to arrest our client for drug trafficking.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter began collecting discovery and interviewing witnesses. Our client had two separate cases (one for possession of controlled substances with intent, and one for drug trafficking) and was facing 35 years in State Prison, and he scored a minimum of 34 months in State Prison. However, Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to extend an offer of one year in County Jail, and to drop the drug trafficking case.
Aggravated Battery on a Pregnant Person, Tampering with a Witness, False Imprisonment, Domestic Battery by Strangulation (Orange County)
- Date: August 8, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested after he got into a physical altercation with his girlfriend. The incident was recorded on video by a neighbor.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s ex-girlfriend, the rehab facility our client was attending, and his prosecutor many times in order to get the best result for our client. He was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to get two of our client’s charges dropped, and a probationary sentence on his other two charges. Mr. Fetter was able to resolve our client’s case with no prison, no jail, and no conviction by getting the prosecutor to agree to a downward departure.
DUI with Serious Bodily Harm (Orange County)
- Date: August 4, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a DUI with serious bodily harm after he got into a car accident on the interstate and the passenger of his vehicle was injured. After the police officers conducted their civil traffic report, they investigated this matter as a DUI as our client had glassy, bloodshot eyes and admitted to drinking prior to the incident.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter collected all of the discovery and interviewed witnesses, including the victim, who was injured as a passenger in his car, did not wish to prosecute. The maximum penalty for this offense is 5 years in State Prison, and our client scored a minimum of 42 months in State Prison, but Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to get a probationary offer where our client served just 18 months of supervised probation with no jail or prison time.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: August 2, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a DUI after an officer observed them swerving in and out of lanes, and driving erratically.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the Seminole County First Time Offender Program (FTOP). As part of this program, our client’s charges were reduced to reckless driving. Our client received a withhold of adjudication, so he was not even convicted of a DUI, so Mr. Fetter will be able to help him clear his record.
Habitual Traffic Offender (Orange County)
- Date: July 28, 2022
- Facts: Our client’s license had been revoked for two years due to his status as an Habitual Traffic Offender as a result of three prior convictions.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to reverse one of the strikes on his driving record, taking him out of HTO-status. Our client’s license is now completely valid!
Possession of MDMA and Prescription Drug without a Prescription; Possession of Cocaine and MDMA (Orange County)
- Date: July 20, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested twice and had two pending cases at the same time; once for felony possession of MDMA and a prescription drug without a prescription, and again for felony possession of cocaine and MDMA. Officers found these substances in his possession after they stopped him for a broken tail light, and proceeded to search his car and person.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter represented our client for both cases. When our client was arrested the second time, his bond was automatically revoked for the first case and he was stuck in jail with no bond. Mr. Fetter was able to convince the prosecutor not to file formal charges on his first case, so our client was released from jail. Mr. Fetter was then able convince the prosecutor to get both of the cases 100% dropped by arguing that both officers conducted an illegal search and seizure.
Dealing in Stolen Property and Petit Theft (Orange County)
- Date: July 12, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for dealing in stolen property and petit theft after being caught on video stealing a cell phone at a bar. Officers later discovered that our client pawned the stolen phone.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client a deal where the client would serve no prison time with no conviction.
Possession of Fentanyl, Alprazolam, and Drug Paraphernalia (Seminole County)
- Date: July 3, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony possession of fentanyl, alprazolam, and drug paraphernalia after the officer responded to a call about a possibly intoxicated person.
- Outcome: Though our client was originally facing twenty years in prison, Mr. Fetter was able to get her into a program where she would attend counseling sessions, and all of her charges would be dropped.
Aggravated Assault with a Firearm and Domestic Violence (Orange County)
- Date: June 25, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated assault with a firearm and domestic violence after the police responded in reference to a verbal dispute. The victim states our client threatened her with a firearm when she tried to leave the house with their daughter after they got into an argument, and then fired a shot into the floor.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to convince the prosecutor not to file charges, resulting in the case being 100% dismissed.
Driving while License Suspended with Knowledge (Orange County)
- Date: June 16, 2021
- Facts: Our client was stopped for not wearing a seatbelt, at which point he advised the officer that his license was suspended.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able identify all items currently suspending our client’s driver’s license. We then helped our client fix each item, including removing an old conviction so he would no longer be labelled an Habitual Traffic Offender. Our client then reinstated his driver’s license. Mr. Fetter was then able to convince the prosecutor to reduce the charge from a felony to a misdemeanor, and then he convinced the prosecutor to drop the misdemeanor charge.
Domestic Violence (Seminole County)
- Date: June 11, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic violence after the police responded to a welfare check. The victim states our client pushed her back with his elbows, and refused to let her leave the room.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get the case 100% dismissed by explaining to the prosecutor this case was a “he-said, she-said,” and our client did not strike or hurt the victim. Now that the case is fully closed, Mr. Fetter is helping our client remove this incident from his criminal background check.
Possession of Cannabis (Volusia County)
- Date: June 9, 2021
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear for possession of cannabis after being stopped for failing to stop at the stop bar at an intersection. When questioned about illegal drugs in the car, our client became nervous and admitted he had four grams of cannabis in the car.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate a deferred prosecution agreement where our client completed a four hour drug and alcohol class and made a donation to Crime Stoppers. His case was 100% dismissed.
Driving while License Suspended (Orange County)
- Date: June 2, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving while license suspended after he was stopped for not wearing a seatbelt, and when the officer ran his license it came up as suspended, so he was issued a criminal ticket of driving with a suspended license.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able identify all items currently suspending our clients driver’s license. We then helped our client fix each item. This allowed him to fully reinstate his driver’s license. Because our client had a fully valid license, the criminal charge was 100% dismissed.
Simple Assault, Resisting an Officer with Violence, and Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: May 28, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for simple assault, resisting an officer with violence, and battery after getting into an altercation with a group preaching in front of a plaza.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to first get our client’s case reduced to one single misdemeanor charge, and our client will be able to get off of probation in six short months when he scored prison.
Domestic Violence (Orange County)
- Date: May 21, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic violence after the police were called during a physical struggle over possession of a phone.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients wife sign a declination of prosecution stating she did not want to be involved in this case, was not afraid of our client and would not testify. The State dropped the case based off of this being more a misunderstanding than anything else and without our clients wife’s corporation there was not a case.
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Orange County)
- Date: May 14, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony possession of a controlled substance after being found with white pills, believed to be Xanax, were found in his pocket.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to convicne the State attorney to no dismiss all charges against our client as he had a valid prescription for Xanax from 2020. Mr. Fetter was able to explain to our prosector that perscriptions are valid and do not expire and therefore he was able to legally possess the Xanax.
Possession of Material Depicting Sexual Conduct by a Child (Seminole County)
- Date: May 7, 2021
- Facts: Our juvenile client was arrested for five counts possession of material depicting sexual conduct by a child after an FLDE task force assigned to investigating child porn files on computers was notified of his activity.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was first able to speak with the prosecutor in this case and get our juvenile client referred to the Walker plan. The Walker plan is a diversion program that will allow our client to stay out of trouble, under go counseling, and several other items and his charges will be dismissed at the end of the program.
Possession of Cannabis and Cocaine with Intent to Sell (Lake County)
- Date: April 28, 2021
- Facts: Our juvenile client was arrested for possession of cannabis and cocaine with intent to sell, possession of MDMA and possession of a controlled substance after the house she was sleeping at was raided.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was first able to speak with the prosecutor in this case and convince them not to file any charges against our client as she was a juvenile simply sleeping at the house and there was no connection to her and the drugs that were found when the house was raided.
Felony Driving While license Suspended (Seminole County)
- Date: April 21, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving with a suspended license after he was stopped for having an expired tag. Our client was charged with felony driving with license suspended because he was designated as an habitual traffic offender. HTO is a 5-year revocation on your license.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was first able to get our clients case reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor. He was then able to help our client remove the HTO designation from his license by getting one of his civil driving while license suspended charges changed from guilty to not guilty. After that our client was able to fully reinstate his license and Mr. Fetter resolved the case as a failure to display a valid license which is civil infraction and not a criminal charge.
Counterfeit Validation Sticker and Attaching Tag not Assigned (Orange County)
- Date: April 14, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested after a traffic stop was conducted due to tint being to dark. The tag that was attached to the vehicle was a temporary tag registered to Texas and the validation sticker placed on the tag was not registered to any vehicle.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients misdemeanor, felony and traffic citation all dismissed. Our client is now eligible to clear his record which we are assisting him with.
Burglary of a Dwelling and Violation of Probation (Orange County)
- Date: April 7, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for Burglary of a dwelling and aggravated battery with a firearm after breaking into her the father of her child’s home in an attempt to take custody of their shared child. This new law arrested also triggered a violation of probation to be filed.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client a downward departure and instead of service a minimum jail sentence of 30 years our client will only be serving 4 years with credit for time served of 2 years.
Driving Under the Influence (Orange County)
- Date: March 31, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving under the influence being pulled over for failing to stop before the stop bar. During the traffic stop our client was suspected of driving drunk due to having watery, glassy and red eyes and was slurring his words. Our client was asked to complete field sobriety exercises and then was subsequently arrested for DUI and blew a .22
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients referred to Orange Counties DUI pretrial diversion program. Once the program is completed, the State will drop all charges against our client. Mr. Fetter was able to have the Judge dismiss any companion tickets he received.
Domestic Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: March 24, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested domestic battery after his ex boyfriend made a report of domestic violence for an incident that occurred 11 months prior. The police were not able to make contact with our client to get his version of events so a warrant was issued for domestic violence
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients charges completely dismissed after proving to the State there was no battery that night and it was just a case of false reporting due to their breakup. Once Mr. Fetter proved to the State there was no evidence to support this case, they quickly dropped it. Mr. Fetter is now helping his client clear this incident from his record.
Possession of Antishoplifting Device and Petit Theft (Orange County)
- Date: March 16, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of an antishoplifting device and petit theft after getting caught stealing from Macy’s
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for pretrial diversion after his case was dropped from a felony to a misdemeanor. By completing this program, our client to have his charges completely dismissed and allow him to be eligible to expunge this incident from his record.
Carry Concealed Firearm and Reckless Driving(Seminole County)
- Date: March 10, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for carrying a concealed firearm and reckless driving after he was stopped for speeding on interstate 4. Our client had a firearm on is persons and did not process a license to carry a concealed firearm and was charged with reckless driving for going almost 100 MPH.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for pretrial intervention. A diversion program offered in Seminole County that will allow our client to have his charges completely dismissed and allow him to be eligible to expunge this incident from his record.
Grand Theft Auto (Seminole County)
- Date: March 3, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for grand theft auto after a friends vehicle was missing and later found totaled.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to prove that no one saw our client driving the vehicle, totaling the vehicle or being anywhere near the vehicle. There were several people who had access to the vehicle and our client had previously been given permission to drive the vehicle by its owner. Mr. Fetter was able to resolve this case where our client served no jail time or probation.
Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon (Orange County)
- Date: February 24, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested accidently shooting her husband in the leg during an argument while intoxicated
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to meet with our clients husband and have him signa declination of prosecution stating this event was an isolated incident, he was not afraid of his wife and was not going to help the State prosecute his wife. Mr. Fetter was also able to negotiate with the State to not file any formal charges. This was the best outcome as anytime a firearm is fired in a case, there are mandatory prison sanctions required. We are not helping expunge this incident from our clients record as she has no prior criminal history whatsoever.
Sexual Battery and Lewd and Lascivious molestation (Orange County)
- Date: February 17, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested after claims were made by his five year old daughter that she was touched inappropriately by her father.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients charges reduced from a capital felony and a life felony to avoid having to serve the mandatory prison sentence that comes from such serious charges. Mr. fetter was able to plead our client out to 10 years of sex offender probation and not serve any additional jail or prison time.
Possession of Cocaine and Aggravated Assault (Orange County)
- Date: February 10, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested after a warrant was issued for our clients arrest due to an altercation that took place with a tow truck driver when our client went to go pick up his vehicle but was blocked in by an employees vehicle. While executing the arrest warrant, our client was found with drugs on his persons– resulting in a second case.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients aggravated assault with a deadly weapon case dropped as the State did not have sufficient evidence proving the altercation occurred and by having our client take an anger management and gun safety course. Mr. Fetter was able to also get our client approved for a level two drug diversion program to get his possession of cocaine completely dismissed. After completing the three terms of her program (4 hour substance abuse class, 4 hours of community service and pay cost of prosecution) her case was completely dropped by the State.
Possession of paraphernalia and Violation of Probation(Orange County)
- Date: February 3, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a violation of probation after he was arrested for possession of paraphernalia.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients possession of paraphernalia case dropped as he showed the State they could not prove the paraphernalia belonged to our client as it was found in the passenger side of his car where was occupied by another person at the time of the traffic stop. Once the new law case was fully dismissed, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client reinstated on administrative probation despite the fact he scored many many years in prison. Administrative probation is a form of probation that does not require weekly or month probation reporting. This allows our client to keep his job as an over the road trucker.
Aggravated Stalking, Written Threats and VOP (Osceola County)
- Date: January 27, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated stalking and written threats after police read messages between our client and his mother. This triggered a violation of probation to also be filed
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients mother sign a declination of prosecution stating she did not want our client to be prosecuted, was not afraid of him and was not willing to come to court and testify if the case continued. The State dismissed the new arrest and as that was the sole basis of the VOP Mr. Fetter was also able to get the VOP dismissed and our client out of jail.
Trespassing (Seminole County)
- Date: January 20, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for trespassing after getting drunk and walking into the wrong apartment
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to workout the case by getting our client a great deal. The prosecutor in his case originally wanted our client to serve 30 days in jail or be placed on six moths of probation. Mr. Fetter was able to work out a plea deal that allowed our client to plea out with no jail and no probation.
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon(Orange County)
- Date: January 11, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after getting into a physical altercation with his wife.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get the case completely dropped after scheduling a deposition with the our clients wife. During the deposition, Mr. Fetter was able to confirm the victim did not want to prosecute and did not wish harm upon our client. The State dropped all charges and we are now assisting our client remove this incident from his criminal background check.
Domestic Violence (Seminole County)
- Date: January 5, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic violence for hitting her boyfriend in the leg and groin after he slapped her. Our client was heavily intoxicated as was her boyfriend and both parties were arrested.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients boyfriend sign a declination of prosecution stating he did not want to be involved in this case, was not afraid of our client and would not testify. The State dropped the case based off of this being more a misunderstanding than anything else and without our clients boyfriend corporation there was not a case.
Violation of probation (Seminole County)
- Date: December 17, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested on a no bond warrant for a violation of probation for failing to complete all required counseling.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with our clients felony prosecutor on this case to get our client out of jail before the birth of his first child, allow him to revoke and terminate his probation and keep his withhold of adjudication so he is not a convicted felon.
Retail Theft (Orange County)
- Date: December 7, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for retail theft after getting caught shoplifting from Walmart.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to work out an out the door offer on this case which allowed our client to not be convicted, not be on probation, no community service, drug testing or any other sanctions. We are now expunging our clients record to remove this incident from her record
Petit Theft (Orange County)
- Date: December 1, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for petit theft after getting caught shoplifting at Target.
- Outcome: The prosecutor assigned to this case wanted to adjudicate our client and make him serve a probationary sentence of 12 months with many other sanctions. Mr. Fetter did not want our client to be adjudicated guilty so he pled straight to the Judge who withheld adjudication so our client can still say he has never been convicted of any crime and Mr. Fetter is now removing this incident from his record.
Driving Under the Influence (Orange County)
- Date: November 30, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a DUI after being pulled over for missing taillights at night. The officer noticed there was several beers missing from a package inside her car and could smell alcohol coming off of her.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to avoid the mandatory 10 days in jail for a second DUI with five years as our client is a single mother. Mr. Fetter negotiated with the prosecutor and got her Judge on board to substitute the mandatory jail for 10 days of residential treatment.
Driving Under the Influence(Brevard County)
- Date: November 24, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving under the influence after being pulled over for speeding.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the Seminole County First Time Offender Program (FTOP). As part of this program, our client’s charges were reduced to reckless driving and by not being convicted of a DUI our client avoided the expensive mandatory DUI insurance.
Resisting an Officer without Violence(Orange County)
- Date: November 16, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for resisting an officer without violence after she refused to sign a criminal speeding ticket.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor assigned to this case and convince him to refer out client to the new Orange County resisting an officer without violence diversion program. Our client completed the diversion program and all charges against our client were completely dropped. Mr. Fetter is now expunging this case from our clients record.
Possession of Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia (Orange County)
- Date: November 6, 2020
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear for possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to speak with the prosecutor assigned to this case and convince him not to file any charges as Orange County is no longer prosecuting small drug crimes.
Fraudulent use of Personal Information and Grand Theft (Orange County)
- Date: November 1, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for fraudulent use of personal information and grand theft after she used a friends information to purchase a mattress.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to work out a plea agreement that allowed our client to not become a convicted felon and will help he
Domestic Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: October 27, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after an argument became physical during a custody exchange between the two parties.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to speak with the prosecutor assigned to this case and convince him not to file charges as this was a big misunderstanding. Our client was acting in self defense as she was struck while holder her young child.
Domestic Battery (Orange County)
- Date: October 14, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after the police were called by a driver in reference to a couple fighting inside his car as he was driving on the 408. Due to inconsistent stories between our client and his girlfriend about how the fight started and how it escalated our client was arrested.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to speak with the prosecutor assigned to this case and convince him not to file charges as this was a big misunderstanding and his girlfriend would not be willing to go to court and testify and she did not want to be associated with this case. Now, we are immediately able to start expunging his record
Driving While License Suspended (Seminole County)
- Date: October 13, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving while license suspended after he was stopped for speeding and did not have a valid license
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able identify all items currently suspending our clients driver’s license. We then helped our client fix each item. This allowed him to fully reinstate his driver’s license and although our client was under a DUI revocation and on probation at the time Mr. Fetter was able to get his Violation and probation case and resolve his driving with a suspended license charge with a reduced charge with no probation and no jail.
Driving Under the Influence (Seminole County)
- Date: October 5, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a DUI after the police were called to the scene of an accident. After completing the crash report, they began a DUI investigation as they suspected our client to be under the influence of alcohol due to displaying “signs of impairment.”
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the Seminole County First Time Offender Program (FTOP). As part of this program, our client’s charges were reduced to reckless driving and by not being convicted of a DUI our client avoided the expensive mandatory DUI insurance.
Aggravated Battery and Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: September 30, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after she called the police during an altercation with her boyfriend.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter acted quickly and reached out to our client’s boyfriend to get his sworn statement. Once we received the sworn declination of prosecution the State prosecutor agreed not to file any charge against our client. A “No Information” notice was filed later that day and the case was dropped completely.
Petit Theft with One Prior (Seminole County)
- Date: September 30, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after concealing several items within a bag at Walmart
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter negotiated with the prosecutor to keep this case in misdemeanor court and not be filed on as a felony. Additionally, Mr. Fetter was able to plea this case out with an “out the door offer.” This means there was no jail, no probation and no community service and our client was not convicted of the crime.
Driving while License Suspended ( Volusia County)
- Date: September 18, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after he was caught driving without a suspended license.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to help our client reinstate his license and avoid an HTO (Habitual Traffic Offender) status on his driver’s license. Mr. Fetter was able to resolve this case by allowing our client to keep his license and avoid any type of probation or supervision.
Habitual Traffic Offender ( Orange County)
- Date: September 11, 2020
- Facts: Our client received a letter stating her license would be suspended and revoked for a period of 5 years due to classified HTO (Habitual Status Offender) status. Our client paid off a bunch of tickets that triggered this event.
- Outcome: Our client had three strikes/ convictions on her driver’s license within a 5 year period and this classified her as a habitual traffic offender. Mr. Fetter was able to reverse all three strikes on her driver’s license and remove her from HTO status. Our client now enjoys a fully reinstate driver’s license without a convictions.
Violation of Sex Offender Probation ( Volusia County)
- Date: August 21, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after he violated his probation by not completing all of the required classes/ counseling as part of his sex offender probation. As a sex offender, our client scored many years in prison.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to reach out to the prosecutor and our client’s probation officer. Our client’s probation officer confirmed while he wasn’t finished with counseling he had never been late or missed a meeting. The prosecutor was the same prosecutor that prosecuted our client initially and wanted him to serve many years in prison. Mr. Fetter was able to establish our client had been perfect with all other terms of his probation so the Judge dismissed and successfully terminated him from probation over the prosecutors objection.
Resisting an Officer without Violence and Possession of Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia (Orange County)
- Date: August 16, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after he was pulled over for a traffic violation of an improper right turn. A K9 unit was brought out to search the vehicle after our client had denied the officers request to search. The K9 alerted for drugs and our client was arrested.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to not file any felony charges. Once the case was downgraded to a misdemeanor, Mr. Fetter was able to work out a plea agreement that allowed our client to not be convicted of any charge and have no probation or serve any jail time.
Felony Battery on a Person 65 Year or Older (Seminole County)
- Date: July 15, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after getting into a physical altercation with his father.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter acted quickly and reached out to meet with the client’s father to get his sworn statement and file it with the court and prosecutor. The State prosecutor agreed not to file any charge against our client. A “No Information” notice was filed later that day and the case was dropped completely. Mr. Fetter is now expunging our clients record so this arrest will no longer be public information and will not show on a background check.
Felony Driving While License Suspended (Seminole County)
- Date: June 2, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony driving while license suspended (DWLS) after being legally stopped for a failing to stop at a stop sign. When the Officer ran her license she had more than seven active suspensions on her driver’s license.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to first convince the State to file only misdemeanor suspended license charges and then assisted our client with reinstating her license. Once our client was able to fully reinstate her driver’s license, we were then able to get the State to further reduce the charges down so we could resolve her case without a suspended license conviction and keep her now 100% valid license.
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Orange County)
- Date: May 26, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of heroin after being searched during a traffic stop.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for a level two drug diversion program. After completing the three terms of her program (4 hour substance abuse class, 4 hours of community service and pay cost of prosecution) her case was completely dismissed.
Battery on a Security Officer (Orange County)
- Date: April 2 2020
- Facts: Our Client lives out of state and was arrested while on vacation for Battery on a Security Officer after a Disney security officer attempted to break up a physical altercation between our client and his brother in law.
- Outcome: We were able to investigate the case and Mr. Fetter was able to get the State Attorneys office to drop the case by filing a “No Information” notice as we were able to show the prosecutor there was a lack of evidence corroborating the security officers story.
Burglary of a Dwelling, Possession of Cocaine, Using a Foreign DL (Orange County)
- Date: February 26, 2020
- Facts: Our client was in jail on no bond status after being arrested multiple times. He had four active cases that included burglary of a dwelling, possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia, petit theft and using a foreign drivers license.
- Outcome: Our client was previously a convicted felon who served time in prison. Although our client scored a mandatory prison sentence Mr. Fetter was able to involve the Orange County Sheriffs office, the arresting officer and the lead prosecutor and was able to work out a single plea agreement for all of his cases that allowed our client to be released from jail that same day and avoid any additional prison or jail time.
Sexual Battery with a Child and Lewd and Lascivious Behavior x 2 (Orange County)
- Date: December 6, 2019
- Facts: Our client was accused of inappropriately touching his step daughter.
- Outcome: Our client was accused of trying to have sex with his minor step-daughter in the middle of the night and was facing a mandatory life in prison sentence and would be required to register permanently as a sex offender. Through interviewing witnesses and investigating the case Mr. Fetter was able to find inconsistencies with the child’s account of what happened and through lab results we were able to confirm there was no DNA tying our client to this incident. As a result the State Attorney’s Office completely dismissed all charges. We are now expunging his record so this incident can be shredded and removed from public records.
Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon (Orange County)
- Date: September 5, 2019
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon after accidentally forgetting he had a gun in his carry-on luggage at the Orlando International Airport.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to interview all TSA and all Orlando Police Department personnel involved in this arrest. Through depositions, we were able to determine that although out client had identified the luggage as his, the government didn’t know who packed the suitcase, when the suitcase was packed, and how many people where in his traveling party and who put the suitcase on the conveyor belt. Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon has a 3 year mandatory minimum prison sentence. We were able to resolve his case with no jail and no prison.
Aggravating Stalking (Orange County)
- Date: April 19, 2019
- Facts: Our client was arrested after an arrest warrant was issued for aggravated stalking after continuing communication his ex- girlfriend after a temporary injunction had been granted.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able meet with our clients ex- girlfriend and have her sign a sworn declination of prosecution stating she did not want to be involved in this case, would not testify and did not want charges brought against our client. The State Attorney assigned to this case filed a “No Information” in this case which dropped all charges against our client.
DUI Alcohol or Drugs (Seminole County)
- Date: April 16, 2019
- Facts: Our Client was arrested for a DUI in Seminole County after being stopped for speeding and no taillights. The Officer asked our client to perform field sobriety tests which he said our client failed.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the Seminole County First Time DUI Offender (FTOP) program. This program allowed our client to complete several tasks and in return his DUI was reduced to a reckless driving, alcohol related. This allowed our client to avoid a DUI conviction and the expensive mandatory insurance that is required after a DUI conviction.
Grand Theft (Orange County)
- Date: January 8, 2019
- Facts: Our client had two after cases after entering a Walmart and running out with a 49” flat screen TV. He was caught after police were called to a house in reference to a domestic dispute with a vehicle that matched the description of the get away vehicle
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with his prosecutor to not file any formal charges in this case.
DUI and Refusal to Submit for DUI Breath Test (Orange County)
- Date: February 23, 2025
- Facts: Our client was arrested for DUI after police responded to the scene of a crash. While speaking with our client regarding his events of how the crash happened the officer stated he could smell alcohol on his breath and wanted to conduct a DUI investigation to which our client refused to do so. Our client also refused to provide a breath sample.
- Outcome: The State wanted our client to plead guilty to DUI, be placed on 12 months of probation, pay a $1,000 fine and other sanctions. Mr. Fetter was not happy with this plea as he believed the State did not have a strong case, so he took the case to trial where our client was acquitted of all charges and received no conviction, probation, no fine. He walked out of court 100% free of all charges.
Petit Theft (Seminole County)
- Date: February 3, 2025
- Facts: Our client was given a notice of appearance in reference to a shoplifting incident at Target where our client was identified after incorrectly scanning items for a lower price.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to plea our client out with a written plea so he would not need to return to Florida as he lived out of State. His plea included a simple anti-theft class and a withhold of adjudication so we can clear his record.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: January 28, 2025
- Facts: Our client was stopped after not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. The arresting officer believed our client was under the influence because she was slurring her words and speaking slowly. Our client was arrested for DUI and taken to the breath test center where she blew a .247 and .252.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was to get our client approved for Seminole Counties FTOP program by convincing the prosecutor that our client was eligible for the program because her two breath tests average below the cut off threshold for the FTOP program. Our client will not be convicted of a DUI or any other criminal charge. Our client will be eligible to seal her record which Mr. Fetter will assist with.
Battery Domestic Violence (Orange County)
- Date: January 5, 2025
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after getting into an verbal altercation that escalated to physical after the husband pushed his wife backward causing her to hit a shelf.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s wife and she signed a declination of prosecution stating she does not want our client prosecuted for these charges, and she is not afraid of him and this incident was a misunderstanding more than anything else. Once Mr. Fetter shared that with our prosecutor, he was able to get all charges completely dismissed.
False Imprisonment, Battery and Trespass (Seminole County)
- Date: December 13, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for false imprisonment, battery and trespassing after an incident that occurred where he entered into his neighbors garage and tried to hug her while she was working out and would not release her from his grip.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for pretrial intervention where our client was required to undergo a psych evaluation, perform community service and stay out of trouble for a period of 18 months and in return all charges will be dismissed at the end of the 18 month period.
Burglary and Trespassing (Juvenile) (Seminole County)
- Date: December 3, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for burglary and trespassing after she and a couple of friends decided to go inside an unoccupied building and explore it.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the PAY (Prosecution Alternative for Youth) program where our client will start and finish the program and have all of her charges dropped upon completion of the program.
Flee and Elude (Orange County)
- Date: November 25, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for flee and elude after an officer tried to conduct a traffic stop as he was riding a dirt bike on the road without an attached license plate and lane splitting in between vehicles. Our client did not stop and police were able to identify him via D.A.V.I.D and were able to apprehend him as he arrived at his house.
- Outcome: Flee and elude requires a mandatory three year license revocation and a mandatory felony conviction. Mr. Fetter did not want either of these for his client so he was able to work out a plea deal where our client pled to misdemeanor reckless driving with only three months of probation and a driving class.
Felony Criminal Mischief (Orange County)
- Date: November 5, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony criminal mischief after the police were called in reference to two windows being broken at his ex-girlfriends house. Our client was struggling with his mental health and missed a court date after being baker acted resulting in him being picked up on a warrant and placed in the Orange County Jail with no bond.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s prosecutor and he was able to get all charges completely dismissed within 24 hours of being hired. Mr. Fetter is now in the process of helping our client clear his record.
Domestic Violence (Seminole County)
- Date: October 23, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic violence when the police were called in reference to a battery occuring between a husband and wife during an argument discussing infidelity turned heated and our client slapped her husband across the face.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s prosecutor and he was able to get all charges completely dismissed despite the husband not wanting to come and sign a declination of prosecution.
Petit Theft (Seminole County)
- Date: October 2, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested on four different cases for petit theft after getting caught shoplifting at Target and TJ Max.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for pretrial diversion for all four cases. By completing this program, our client will have all of his charges completely dismissed and allow him to be eligible to expunge one of these incident from his record.
Battery Dating Violence (Orange County)
- Date: September 24, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for battery dating violence when the police were called in reference to a battery at a hotel that occured when a male punched a female in the chest and head.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s girlfriend and she signed a declination of prosecution stating she does not want our client prosecuted for these charges, and she is not afraid of her. Once Mr. Fetter shared that with our prosecutor, he was able to get all charges completely dismissed. Mr. Fetter is now in the process of helping our client clear his record.
Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor (Seminole County)
- Date: September 1, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for contributing to the Delinquency of a minor after driving his younger brother to meet up with a friend. The younger brother and his friend were later caught in the car by a police officer having sex. Our client was arrested due to his younger brothers age.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client’s case dropped as our client did not know what his brother was doing in the car and had no prior criminal history whatsoever. Mr. fetter is now helping our client clear this incident from his criminal background record.
DUI (Orange County)
- Date: August 19, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving under the influence after an officer conducted a traffic stop for the driver of a vehicle not wearing his seatbelt. Based on our clients behavior, the officer asked our client how much alcohol he had to drink an our client admitted to drinking prior in the day
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client’s case 100% dismissed after filing motions in our clients case challenging the DUI arrest. Due to the motion to suppress being granted, the State no longer had a good faith basis to continue prosecuting the case.
Possession of Fentanyl and Paraphernalia (Orange County)
- Date: August 1, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of fentanyl and paraphernalia after a search warrant was executed on her house due to suspension of drug activities inside
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client’s case 100% dismissed due to there being multiple people inside the house and proving to the State they could not properly link the drugs found to our client and not one of the other people residing inside her house.
Escape and Attempted Resisting an Officer without Violence (Orange County)
- Date: July 25, 2024
- Facts: Our client was stopped after matching the description of a carjacking victim. While police were attempting to stop our client, he failed to follow police commands to stop walking. While being transported to the jail, he made an attempt to run from police resulting in the additional charge of escape.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients case completely dismissed after having a long conversations with his prosecutor and explaining this incident was a misunderstanding and a case of a mental health episode not a criminal act.
Alcohol Possession by a Person Under 21 Years of Age (Seminole County)
- Date: July 2, 2024
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear after a traffic stop was conducted on a speeding vehicle. During the traffic stop, Officers observed two open alcoholic beverages on the passenger floor boards where our client was sitting.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client complete a four hour drug and alcohol awareness course and convinced the prosecutor to drop all charges. We are now helping our client clear his record to remove this incident from his criminal background check.
Florida Hunting Wild Life Violation 68A-12.007 (Orange County)
- Date: June 24, 2024
- Facts: Our client was given a mandatory court notice after he was stopped by a FWC Officer while hog hunting. Our client had four dogs with him who had collars on them but did not have the proper identification information on the collars.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client put all the proper identification on his collars and share this with the prosecutor. He was then able to convinced the State to drop all charges against our client since all dogs had the proper identification on them.
Felony Driving While license Suspended (Osceola County)
- Date: June 4, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony driving with a suspended license after he was stopped for modifying his exhaust to make the vehicle louder. Our client let the officer know the vehicle was a shop vehicle and he was just trying to get home and he was just down the street. Our client also admitted to knowing his license was suspended.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was first able to get our client license valid for the first time since 2018 by reviewing each item that was suspending our client and instructing him how to fix them. Mr. Fetter was then able to convince the prosecutor to drop all charges against our client.
Possession of Antishoplifting Device and Grand Theft (Seminole County)
- Date: May 22, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of an antishoplifting device and grand theft after getting caught stealing from Macy’s.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for felony pretrial intervntion program. A type of pretrial diversion program that will allow all charges to be dismissed once the program is completed. By completing this program, our client to have her charges completely dismissed and allow herto be eligible to expunge this incident from her record.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: May 14, 2024
- Facts: Our client was stopped after being suspected of driving under the influence. Our client admitted to drinking earlier in the night but did not feel he was under the influence. Our client was asked to perform field sobriety exercises which he refused to complete. Our client also refused to take the breathalyzer.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was to get our client approved for Seminole Counties FTOP program where our client would not be convicted of a DUI or any other criminal charge. Our client will be eligible to seal his record which Mr. Fetter will assist with.
Possession of Cannabis with Intent to Sell with a Weapon (Orange County)
- Date: April 24, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested after officers patrolling a parking garage in downtown Orlando observed a vehicle sitting with multiple passengers and noticed the smell of burnt cannabis. Upon approaching the vehicle, officers noticed a tray with a leafy green substance. After searching the vehicle, cannabis separated into several bags and a 9mm Glock was found.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to convince our clients prosecutor not to file any formal charges as he was found with a relatively small amount of cannabis and he was not trying to sell it. The prosecutor agreed and file a “no information” in our clients case.
Domestic Battery (Orange County)
- Date: April 9, 2024
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear for not having a drivers license. Our client is originally from the UK but because she had been in the States for five years, she was required to have a US Drivers License.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our client take and pass her driving test and get a valid license. He was then able to get the State to agree to dismiss her case 100% since she now possessed a valid license. Mr. Fetter was also able to get the Judge to dismiss the companion speeding ticket she also received.
Domestic Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: March 22, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after getting into an argument with his wife. He was accused if taking her phone and throwing it and then cover his wives mouth with his hand causing her lip to be cut.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients wife sign a declination of prosecution stating she did not want to be involved in this case, was not afraid of our client and would not testify. The State quickly dropped this case and we are now expunging our clients record.
Early Termination of Community Control (Seminole County)
- Date: March 2, 2024
- Facts: Our client was currently on community control and wanted to early terminate from probation
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able speak with our client probation officer and confirm the defendant had completed all special conditions, paid all financial obligations and was in good standing with probation. Once confirming the Defendant was in good standing, Mr. Fetter reached out to the State for their position and was able to convince the State to not object. He then filed a motion and Order with the court to grant early termination for our client.
Driving While License Suspended, Attaching Tag Not Assigned and No Valid Registration (Osceola County)
- Date: February 22, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony driving while license suspended, attaching tag not assigned and no valid registration after he was pulled over by an officer performing a tag check.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to meet with our client and explain to him everything he needed to do to get his license 100% valid and how to fix his registration and tag issues. Once our client’s license was 100% valid Mr. Fetter was able to convince our clients prosecutor to drop all three charges against our client.
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon(Orange County)
- Date: February 7, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after a gun was pointed at the victim after there was an argument over parking spaces at Walmart between multiple parties.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate the State’s offer down from a conviction and three years prison to no conviction on the lesser included misdemeanor offense of improper exhibition of a weapon. After a short probation sentence, Mr. Fetter will help our client remove this incident from her criminal background.
Armed Burglary of a Dwelling, Shooting Missile into a Structure, Shooting from a Vehicle and Criminal Mischief (Orange County)
- Date: January 31, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for armed burglary of a dwelling, shoot missile into a structure and Shooting from a Vehicle and criminal mischief after police were dispatched to a home after a caller reported two loud bangs coming from his front door and when he went to investigate, he saw someone running from his porch, get into a vehicle and then fire 8 shots towards him and his house. The victim recognized our client and was able to name him.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter explained to the prosecutor this event took place the day of our client’s brothers funeral when the victim is accused of providing the drugs that resulted in our clients’ brothers overdose. Mr. Fetter was able to work out a plea with the State where our client would avoid prison despite the fact he was facing over 30 years in prison and would not be placed on probation.
Criminal Mischief (Orange County)
- Date: January 3, 2024
- Facts: Our client was arrested for criminal mischief after police were dispatched to a movie theater after our client jumped up, hit a light and damaged it.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter explained to the prosector this was just a misunderstanding with no ill will intented. Just a young kid being dumb and he was willing to pay for any damages. The State spoke with the movie theater who agreed to not move forward with criminal charges. Now that all charges are dismissed 100%, we are helping our client clear this from his criminal history.
Possession of MDPV (Seminole County)
- Date: December 24, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of MDPV after police were dispatched in reference to a battery occurring within a car. Once locating the car, officer began speaking with the two occupants of the car. As our client stepped out of the passenger seat, a clear baggie with a substance fell onto the floor.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter met with our client who insisted the substance was not drugs but donut frosting crumbs. Mr. Fetter told the prosecutor this and put a rush back on the FDLE testing results. Mr. Fetter put pressure on the prosecutor to dismiss this case by declaring the case ready for trial. In response, the State dropped all charges against our client.
Aggravated Battery on a Pregnant Person (Orange County)
- Date: December 4, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated battery on a pregnant person after getting into a heated argument with his wife who was three months pregnant. Our client was trying to push his wife towards the couch when she fell on the floor instead.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter met with our client’s wife, and she signed a declination of prosecution stating she does not want our client prosecuted for these charges and will not corporate for the State. Mr. Fetter shared that her signed declination with our prosecutor and all charges completely dismissed. We are now helping our client clear his record to remove this incident.
Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: November 28, 2023
- Facts: Our 74 year old client was arrested after a coworker alleged she battered her by striking her in the forearm when trying to get past her in doorway.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to speak with her prosecutor and convince him this arrest was bogus, should of never happened, and that no battery took place. The State dropped all of the charges after reviewing her file and we are now removing this incident from her criminal background.
Practicing a Massage without a License and Solicitation of Prostitution (Seminole County)
- Date: November 8, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested practicing a massage without a license and solicitation of prostitution after agreeing to one hour of massage and oral for money to an undercover officer.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to convince the State to send our clients case to pretrial intervention despite the fact that these charges carry a one year in jail minimum sentence. When our client completes pretrial intervention all of her charges will be 100% dropped and we will assist our client in clearing her record.
False Imprisonment of a Child and Commit Aggravated Abuse (Seminole County)
- Date: October 25, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for false imprisonment of a child and commit aggravated abuse after his nine year old neighbor disclosed instances of being tied down to his bed frame with rope and putting a ball gag on him and force him to watch porn.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to first convince the State to file just false imprisonment charges. False imprisonment is an F3, which is the lowest level of felony charges, instead of the crime he was arrested for which was punishable by life in prison. After further negotiations with our prosecutor, Mr. Fetter was able to work out a probationary plea agreement where our client is not a convicted sex offender, is not a convicted felon and will not serve any jail or prison time.
Battery Domestic Violence (Orange County)
- Date: October 7, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for battery domestic violence after getting into an altercation with her adult daughter who was staying at her house temporarily over letting people into the house without permission to enter.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get all charges completely dismissed after informing the prosecutor that the daughter no longer lived in Orlando or Florida, would not be willing to come back to Florida for this case and did not wish her mom any ill-will.
DUI with a Prior Conviction (Seminole County)
- Date: September 27, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after officers responded to a crash near Casselberry’s Patio Bar. Officers suspected our client of being under the influence as she had a slight “stagger in her gait and was extremely talkative” Our client blew a 0.000 and provided a urine sample as well.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter filed motions in our client’s case challenging the evidence as the State did not have the right to ask our client to provide a urine sample after blowing 0.000 as there was no reason to suspect our client of consuming drug and the arresting officer was not a DRE or trained for detecting impairment of drugs. Mr. Fetter was able to get the State to amend the charges of DUI with a prior conviction to a reckless driving. Our client will not have to surrender her license for six months, impound her car or any of the other mandatory sanctions that come with a DUI conviction.
Carrying a concealed Firearm (Seminole County)
- Date: September 3, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after officers patrolling a resort parking lot smelled burning cannabis. After identifying where the smell was coming from, officers asked the occupants of the vehicle if there was any weapons in the vehicle, they responded with yes. After removing the passengers from the vehicle, our client was found to have a small handgun on his waist band and was arrested for carry a concealed firearm.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to resolve our clients case by pleading our client up straight to the Judge after dealing with a difficult prosecutor. Our client had a previous arrest in Georgia and our prosecutor wanted to give our client several years of probation and convict him. By playing straight to the Judge, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client one year of probation and a withhold of adjudication.
DUI and Possession of Cocaine and Fentanyl (Seminole County)
- Date: August 23, 2023
- Facts: Our client was detained after Lake Mary Police responded to a wellbeing check as there was a male asleep in his vehicle blocking the McDonalds. Once awake, the police asked out client to step out and he was arrested after a warrant check showed an out of county warrant. When searched, the police found two small bags of drugs on him which tested positive for Cocaine and Fentanyl. He was arrested for DUI and possession of cocaine and fentanyl.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients DUI reduced to a Reckless Driving as the officer’s failed to notify him of any adverse consequences when reading him his rights after he refused any field sobriety testing. Mr. Fetter was also able to avoid any felony convictions for the drug charges, so our client is not a convicted felon.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: August 2, 2023
- Facts: Our client was stopped and detained after her vehicle matched the description of a separate altercation. After being detained, officers suspected our client of driving under the influence and asked her to perform field sobriety tests.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter’s goal was to have our client approved for Seminole Counties FTOP program so our client would not be convicted of a DUI. The State would not approve our client because her license was suspended at the time of her arrest. Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients license 100% valid and then get approval for FTOP. Once our client finishes the FTOP program, Mr. Fetter will assist our client to seal her record.
Attaching Tag not Assigned (Orange County)
- Date: July 25, 2023
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear for the criminal offense of attaching a tag not assigned. Our client was driving the car with a flat tire to get the tire replaced and was stopped by an officer as he was driving with his hazards on. When the officer ran the tag on the car, it came back registered to a different vehicle.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients sign a declination stating he did not attach the tag. The vehicle was given to him as a gift and the tag was on the vehicle when he received it. The State dropped the case and we are now assisting our client to expunge his record.
Domestic Battery (Orange County)
- Date: July 11, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after the police were called during a physical altercation occurred while our client was intoxicated. He was over at a neighbors house drinking and when he came home he hit his wife in the mouth.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients wife sign a declination of prosecution stating she did not want to be involved in this case, was not afraid of our client and would not testify. The State dropped the case as this was more a misunderstanding than anything else and without our clients wife’s corporation there was not a case.
Failure to Register with DMV (Sexual Offender) (Orange County)
- Date: July 1, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for failure to update his address with DMV. As a convicted sex offender, our client is required register his address and keep his address current. Failure to register with DMV is a third degree felony punishable by up to 5 year in jail and a $5,000 fine.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to provide our prosecutor proof our client updated his address with DMV prior to his arrest and in return the State dropped all charges.
Written Threats to Kill (Seminole County)
- Date: June 21, 2023
- Facts: Our juvenile client was arrested for Written Threats to Kill after being caught writing multiple threatening messages to “shoot up the school” on the girls bathroom at her high school.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to proof there was no actual threat behind our clients’ writings and get her approved for the PAY program. PAY is a 90-day program that is an alternative to formal court proceedings for delinquent juveniles. PAY promotes accountability to the victim and the community through activities such as restitution and community service work, and provides opportunities for personal improvement such as classes, counseling, and work skills.
Habitual Traffic Offender (Orange County)
- Date: June 4, 2023
- Facts: Our client’s received a notice from FLHSMV notifying her that her license was going to be revoked for five years as a habitual traffic offender (HTO)
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to reverse two of the strikes on her driving record, taking her out of HTO-status before her license was officially revoked. Our client’s license is now completely valid!
Felony VOP (Orange County)
- Date: May 17, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested on Felony Violation of Probation after failing to complete probation after transferring her probation to Tennessee in 2009.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter’s goal was to get our client out of jail and back home to Tennessee. Probation’s recommendation was to incarcerate her for the maximum period allowed for her charges, which was 15 years. Mr. Fetter was able to convince the Judge and Prosecutor to reinstate our client on probation to finish any remaining conditions.. Our client was released from jail and is now back in her home state.
Driving while License Revoked and VOP (Orange County)
- Date: May 7, 2023
- Facts: Our client was stopped for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. Our client notified the police officer that his license was suspended. Once the officer confirmed this, our client was taken to jail. This arrest also triggered a violation of probation to be filed.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able identify all items currently suspending our client’s driver’s license. We then helped our client fix each item. Our client then reinstated his driver’s license. Mr. Fetter was then able to convince the prosecutor to voluntarily drop his DWLS case and dismiss the VOP.
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Battery (Orange County)
- Date: April 27, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and battery after getting into a verbal altercation with his adult son. Our client pulled out a gun to try and diffuse the situation.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s son, and he signed a declination of prosecution stating he does not want our client prosecuted for these charges. Mr. Fetter provided the signed declination to our prosecution and was able to get all charges completely dismissed.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: April 13, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for DUI after a traffic stop was initiated for erratic driving. Our client was asked to perform field sobriety test and was arrested for DUI after performing the field sobriety exercises. Our client consented to breath and alcohol testing blew a .14
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client a great outcome! She was not convicted of DUI or any other criminal charge. Mr. Fetter will help our client seal her record.
Unauthorized used of Driver’s License and Fraud (Seminole County)
- Date: March 26, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after being tricked by a friend to deposit fraudulent checks and give him back the cash.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to speak to our clients prosecutor and explain everything that happened and get our client approved for a short pretrial diversion program and will assist him in expunging this incident from his record.
Domestic Battery (Orange County)
- Date: March 8, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for battery domestic violence while on vacation at Disney World. The police were called when our client got into an altercation with her adult daughter that spilled into the hallway and lobby of the hotel.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s daughter, and she signed a declination of prosecution stating she does not want our client prosecuted for these charges. Mr. Fetter shared that with our prosecutor and all charges completely dismissed.
Possession on Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia (Orange County)
- Date: February 16, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia after being pulled over for illegal tint and an expired registration. After being pulled over, the officer could smell the distinct odor of burnt marijuana.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to also get our client approved for a level two drug diversion program to get his possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia charges completely dismissed. After completing the three terms of his program (4 hour substance abuse class, 4 hours of community service and pay cost of prosecution) his case was completely dropped by the State.
Openly Carrying a Firearm (Orange County)
- Date: February 1, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after a traffic stop was conducted for an expired registration. During the traffic stop, the officer noticed a revolver in plain sight. Our client did not possess a concealed carry permit.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to plea our client out with a withhold of adjudication, court costs and 10 hours of community service. Mr. Fetter is now helping our client clear this incident from his record.
DUI (Orange County)
- Date: January 22, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested for DUI after being pulled over for a high rate of speed. Once the traffic stop was initiated the cop noticed a strong smell of alcohol coming from our client, red bloodshot eyes and slurred speech.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for a diversion program. This allowed our client to have his charges completely dismissed after completing the program. Mr. Fetter is now helping our client remove this from his record.
Attempted Second Degree Murder, Aggravated Assault, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor(Orange County)
- Date: January 12, 2023
- Facts: Our client was arrested after a warrant was served for a road rage incident that ended in shots being fired our client with a minor child in his car.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client’s attempted second degree murder charge dropped and our client pled only to aggravated assault with a withhold of adjudication. Our client is not a convicted felon and did not have to serve any jail time or prison time.
Reckless Driving (Seminole County)
- Date: December 29, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested for reckless driving after being observed by an officer for driving at a high rate of speed and erratically changing lanes.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to resolve our clients case with no conviction, no jail time, no probation or community service. Our client received no points on his license.
Domestic Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: October 3, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested for battery domestic violence when she got into an argument with her father and pushed him. Her mother called the police just to scare her, not thinking she would get arrested.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s father, and he signed a declination of prosecution stating he does not want our client prosecuted for these charges, and he is not afraid of her. Once Mr. Fetter shared that with our prosecutor, he was able to get all charges completely dismissed. Mr. Fetter is now in the process of helping our client clear her record.
Drug Trafficking and Possession of Controlled Substances with the Intent to Sell (Orange County)
- Date: September 22, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested after officers conducted a traffic stop on him and found he was in possession of various controlled substances including methamphetamine and alprazolam. Officers then located a motel room rented out in his name and found large enough quantities of drugs to arrest our client for drug trafficking.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter began collecting discovery and interviewing witnesses. Our client had two separate cases (one for possession of controlled substances with intent, and one for drug trafficking) and was facing 35 years in State Prison, and he scored a minimum of 34 months in State Prison. However, Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to extend an offer of one year in County Jail, and to drop the drug trafficking case.
Aggravated Battery on a Pregnant Person, Tampering with a Witness, False Imprisonment, Domestic Battery by Strangulation (Orange County)
- Date: August 8, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested after he got into a physical altercation with his girlfriend. The incident was recorded on video by a neighbor.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter spoke to our client’s ex-girlfriend, the rehab facility our client was attending, and his prosecutor many times in order to get the best result for our client. He was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to get two of our client’s charges dropped, and a probationary sentence on his other two charges. Mr. Fetter was able to resolve our client’s case with no prison, no jail, and no conviction by getting the prosecutor to agree to a downward departure.
DUI with Serious Bodily Harm (Orange County)
- Date: August 4, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a DUI with serious bodily harm after he got into a car accident on the interstate and the passenger of his vehicle was injured. After the police officers conducted their civil traffic report, they investigated this matter as a DUI as our client had glassy, bloodshot eyes and admitted to drinking prior to the incident.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter collected all of the discovery and interviewed witnesses, including the victim, who was injured as a passenger in his car, did not wish to prosecute. The maximum penalty for this offense is 5 years in State Prison, and our client scored a minimum of 42 months in State Prison, but Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to get a probationary offer where our client served just 18 months of supervised probation with no jail or prison time.
DUI (Seminole County)
- Date: August 2, 2022
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a DUI after an officer observed them swerving in and out of lanes, and driving erratically.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the Seminole County First Time Offender Program (FTOP). As part of this program, our client’s charges were reduced to reckless driving. Our client received a withhold of adjudication, so he was not even convicted of a DUI, so Mr. Fetter will be able to help him clear his record.
Habitual Traffic Offender (Orange County)
- Date: July 28, 2022
- Facts: Our client’s license had been revoked for two years due to his status as an Habitual Traffic Offender as a result of three prior convictions.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to reverse one of the strikes on his driving record, taking him out of HTO-status. Our client’s license is now completely valid!
Possession of MDMA and Prescription Drug without a Prescription; Possession of Cocaine and MDMA (Orange County)
- Date: July 20, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested twice and had two pending cases at the same time; once for felony possession of MDMA and a prescription drug without a prescription, and again for felony possession of cocaine and MDMA. Officers found these substances in his possession after they stopped him for a broken tail light, and proceeded to search his car and person.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter represented our client for both cases. When our client was arrested the second time, his bond was automatically revoked for the first case and he was stuck in jail with no bond. Mr. Fetter was able to convince the prosecutor not to file formal charges on his first case, so our client was released from jail. Mr. Fetter was then able convince the prosecutor to get both of the cases 100% dropped by arguing that both officers conducted an illegal search and seizure.
Dealing in Stolen Property and Petit Theft (Orange County)
- Date: July 12, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for dealing in stolen property and petit theft after being caught on video stealing a cell phone at a bar. Officers later discovered that our client pawned the stolen phone.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client a deal where the client would serve no prison time with no conviction.
Possession of Fentanyl, Alprazolam, and Drug Paraphernalia (Seminole County)
- Date: July 3, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony possession of fentanyl, alprazolam, and drug paraphernalia after the officer responded to a call about a possibly intoxicated person.
- Outcome: Though our client was originally facing twenty years in prison, Mr. Fetter was able to get her into a program where she would attend counseling sessions, and all of her charges would be dropped.
Aggravated Assault with a Firearm and Domestic Violence (Orange County)
- Date: June 25, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated assault with a firearm and domestic violence after the police responded in reference to a verbal dispute. The victim states our client threatened her with a firearm when she tried to leave the house with their daughter after they got into an argument, and then fired a shot into the floor.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to convince the prosecutor not to file charges, resulting in the case being 100% dismissed.
Driving while License Suspended with Knowledge (Orange County)
- Date: June 16, 2021
- Facts: Our client was stopped for not wearing a seatbelt, at which point he advised the officer that his license was suspended.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able identify all items currently suspending our client’s driver’s license. We then helped our client fix each item, including removing an old conviction so he would no longer be labelled an Habitual Traffic Offender. Our client then reinstated his driver’s license. Mr. Fetter was then able to convince the prosecutor to reduce the charge from a felony to a misdemeanor, and then he convinced the prosecutor to drop the misdemeanor charge.
Domestic Violence (Seminole County)
- Date: June 11, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic violence after the police responded to a welfare check. The victim states our client pushed her back with his elbows, and refused to let her leave the room.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get the case 100% dismissed by explaining to the prosecutor this case was a “he-said, she-said,” and our client did not strike or hurt the victim. Now that the case is fully closed, Mr. Fetter is helping our client remove this incident from his criminal background check.
Possession of Cannabis (Volusia County)
- Date: June 9, 2021
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear for possession of cannabis after being stopped for failing to stop at the stop bar at an intersection. When questioned about illegal drugs in the car, our client became nervous and admitted he had four grams of cannabis in the car.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate a deferred prosecution agreement where our client completed a four hour drug and alcohol class and made a donation to Crime Stoppers. His case was 100% dismissed.
Driving while License Suspended (Orange County)
- Date: June 2, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving while license suspended after he was stopped for not wearing a seatbelt, and when the officer ran his license it came up as suspended, so he was issued a criminal ticket of driving with a suspended license.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able identify all items currently suspending our clients driver’s license. We then helped our client fix each item. This allowed him to fully reinstate his driver’s license. Because our client had a fully valid license, the criminal charge was 100% dismissed.
Simple Assault, Resisting an Officer with Violence, and Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: May 28, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for simple assault, resisting an officer with violence, and battery after getting into an altercation with a group preaching in front of a plaza.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to first get our client’s case reduced to one single misdemeanor charge, and our client will be able to get off of probation in six short months when he scored prison.
Domestic Violence (Orange County)
- Date: May 21, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic violence after the police were called during a physical struggle over possession of a phone.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients wife sign a declination of prosecution stating she did not want to be involved in this case, was not afraid of our client and would not testify. The State dropped the case based off of this being more a misunderstanding than anything else and without our clients wife’s corporation there was not a case.
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Orange County)
- Date: May 14, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony possession of a controlled substance after being found with white pills, believed to be Xanax, were found in his pocket.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to convicne the State attorney to no dismiss all charges against our client as he had a valid prescription for Xanax from 2020. Mr. Fetter was able to explain to our prosector that perscriptions are valid and do not expire and therefore he was able to legally possess the Xanax.
Possession of Material Depicting Sexual Conduct by a Child (Seminole County)
- Date: May 7, 2021
- Facts: Our juvenile client was arrested for five counts possession of material depicting sexual conduct by a child after an FLDE task force assigned to investigating child porn files on computers was notified of his activity.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was first able to speak with the prosecutor in this case and get our juvenile client referred to the Walker plan. The Walker plan is a diversion program that will allow our client to stay out of trouble, under go counseling, and several other items and his charges will be dismissed at the end of the program.
Possession of Cannabis and Cocaine with Intent to Sell (Lake County)
- Date: April 28, 2021
- Facts: Our juvenile client was arrested for possession of cannabis and cocaine with intent to sell, possession of MDMA and possession of a controlled substance after the house she was sleeping at was raided.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was first able to speak with the prosecutor in this case and convince them not to file any charges against our client as she was a juvenile simply sleeping at the house and there was no connection to her and the drugs that were found when the house was raided.
Felony Driving While license Suspended (Seminole County)
- Date: April 21, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving with a suspended license after he was stopped for having an expired tag. Our client was charged with felony driving with license suspended because he was designated as an habitual traffic offender. HTO is a 5-year revocation on your license.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was first able to get our clients case reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor. He was then able to help our client remove the HTO designation from his license by getting one of his civil driving while license suspended charges changed from guilty to not guilty. After that our client was able to fully reinstate his license and Mr. Fetter resolved the case as a failure to display a valid license which is civil infraction and not a criminal charge.
Counterfeit Validation Sticker and Attaching Tag not Assigned (Orange County)
- Date: April 14, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested after a traffic stop was conducted due to tint being to dark. The tag that was attached to the vehicle was a temporary tag registered to Texas and the validation sticker placed on the tag was not registered to any vehicle.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients misdemeanor, felony and traffic citation all dismissed. Our client is now eligible to clear his record which we are assisting him with.
Burglary of a Dwelling and Violation of Probation (Orange County)
- Date: April 7, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for Burglary of a dwelling and aggravated battery with a firearm after breaking into her the father of her child’s home in an attempt to take custody of their shared child. This new law arrested also triggered a violation of probation to be filed.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client a downward departure and instead of service a minimum jail sentence of 30 years our client will only be serving 4 years with credit for time served of 2 years.
Driving Under the Influence (Orange County)
- Date: March 31, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving under the influence being pulled over for failing to stop before the stop bar. During the traffic stop our client was suspected of driving drunk due to having watery, glassy and red eyes and was slurring his words. Our client was asked to complete field sobriety exercises and then was subsequently arrested for DUI and blew a .22
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients referred to Orange Counties DUI pretrial diversion program. Once the program is completed, the State will drop all charges against our client. Mr. Fetter was able to have the Judge dismiss any companion tickets he received.
Domestic Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: March 24, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested domestic battery after his ex boyfriend made a report of domestic violence for an incident that occurred 11 months prior. The police were not able to make contact with our client to get his version of events so a warrant was issued for domestic violence
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our clients charges completely dismissed after proving to the State there was no battery that night and it was just a case of false reporting due to their breakup. Once Mr. Fetter proved to the State there was no evidence to support this case, they quickly dropped it. Mr. Fetter is now helping his client clear this incident from his record.
Possession of Antishoplifting Device and Petit Theft (Orange County)
- Date: March 16, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of an antishoplifting device and petit theft after getting caught stealing from Macy’s
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for pretrial diversion after his case was dropped from a felony to a misdemeanor. By completing this program, our client to have his charges completely dismissed and allow him to be eligible to expunge this incident from his record.
Carry Concealed Firearm and Reckless Driving(Seminole County)
- Date: March 10, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for carrying a concealed firearm and reckless driving after he was stopped for speeding on interstate 4. Our client had a firearm on is persons and did not process a license to carry a concealed firearm and was charged with reckless driving for going almost 100 MPH.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for pretrial intervention. A diversion program offered in Seminole County that will allow our client to have his charges completely dismissed and allow him to be eligible to expunge this incident from his record.
Grand Theft Auto (Seminole County)
- Date: March 3, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for grand theft auto after a friends vehicle was missing and later found totaled.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to prove that no one saw our client driving the vehicle, totaling the vehicle or being anywhere near the vehicle. There were several people who had access to the vehicle and our client had previously been given permission to drive the vehicle by its owner. Mr. Fetter was able to resolve this case where our client served no jail time or probation.
Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon (Orange County)
- Date: February 24, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested accidently shooting her husband in the leg during an argument while intoxicated
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to meet with our clients husband and have him signa declination of prosecution stating this event was an isolated incident, he was not afraid of his wife and was not going to help the State prosecute his wife. Mr. Fetter was also able to negotiate with the State to not file any formal charges. This was the best outcome as anytime a firearm is fired in a case, there are mandatory prison sanctions required. We are not helping expunge this incident from our clients record as she has no prior criminal history whatsoever.
Sexual Battery and Lewd and Lascivious molestation (Orange County)
- Date: February 17, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested after claims were made by his five year old daughter that she was touched inappropriately by her father.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients charges reduced from a capital felony and a life felony to avoid having to serve the mandatory prison sentence that comes from such serious charges. Mr. fetter was able to plead our client out to 10 years of sex offender probation and not serve any additional jail or prison time.
Possession of Cocaine and Aggravated Assault (Orange County)
- Date: February 10, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested after a warrant was issued for our clients arrest due to an altercation that took place with a tow truck driver when our client went to go pick up his vehicle but was blocked in by an employees vehicle. While executing the arrest warrant, our client was found with drugs on his persons– resulting in a second case.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients aggravated assault with a deadly weapon case dropped as the State did not have sufficient evidence proving the altercation occurred and by having our client take an anger management and gun safety course. Mr. Fetter was able to also get our client approved for a level two drug diversion program to get his possession of cocaine completely dismissed. After completing the three terms of her program (4 hour substance abuse class, 4 hours of community service and pay cost of prosecution) her case was completely dropped by the State.
Possession of paraphernalia and Violation of Probation(Orange County)
- Date: February 3, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a violation of probation after he was arrested for possession of paraphernalia.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients possession of paraphernalia case dropped as he showed the State they could not prove the paraphernalia belonged to our client as it was found in the passenger side of his car where was occupied by another person at the time of the traffic stop. Once the new law case was fully dismissed, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client reinstated on administrative probation despite the fact he scored many many years in prison. Administrative probation is a form of probation that does not require weekly or month probation reporting. This allows our client to keep his job as an over the road trucker.
Aggravated Stalking, Written Threats and VOP (Osceola County)
- Date: January 27, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated stalking and written threats after police read messages between our client and his mother. This triggered a violation of probation to also be filed
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients mother sign a declination of prosecution stating she did not want our client to be prosecuted, was not afraid of him and was not willing to come to court and testify if the case continued. The State dismissed the new arrest and as that was the sole basis of the VOP Mr. Fetter was also able to get the VOP dismissed and our client out of jail.
Trespassing (Seminole County)
- Date: January 20, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for trespassing after getting drunk and walking into the wrong apartment
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to workout the case by getting our client a great deal. The prosecutor in his case originally wanted our client to serve 30 days in jail or be placed on six moths of probation. Mr. Fetter was able to work out a plea deal that allowed our client to plea out with no jail and no probation.
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon(Orange County)
- Date: January 11, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after getting into a physical altercation with his wife.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get the case completely dropped after scheduling a deposition with the our clients wife. During the deposition, Mr. Fetter was able to confirm the victim did not want to prosecute and did not wish harm upon our client. The State dropped all charges and we are now assisting our client remove this incident from his criminal background check.
Domestic Violence (Seminole County)
- Date: January 5, 2021
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic violence for hitting her boyfriend in the leg and groin after he slapped her. Our client was heavily intoxicated as was her boyfriend and both parties were arrested.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to have our clients boyfriend sign a declination of prosecution stating he did not want to be involved in this case, was not afraid of our client and would not testify. The State dropped the case based off of this being more a misunderstanding than anything else and without our clients boyfriend corporation there was not a case.
Violation of probation (Seminole County)
- Date: December 17, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested on a no bond warrant for a violation of probation for failing to complete all required counseling.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with our clients felony prosecutor on this case to get our client out of jail before the birth of his first child, allow him to revoke and terminate his probation and keep his withhold of adjudication so he is not a convicted felon.
Retail Theft (Orange County)
- Date: December 7, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for retail theft after getting caught shoplifting from Walmart.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to work out an out the door offer on this case which allowed our client to not be convicted, not be on probation, no community service, drug testing or any other sanctions. We are now expunging our clients record to remove this incident from her record
Petit Theft (Orange County)
- Date: December 1, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for petit theft after getting caught shoplifting at Target.
- Outcome: The prosecutor assigned to this case wanted to adjudicate our client and make him serve a probationary sentence of 12 months with many other sanctions. Mr. Fetter did not want our client to be adjudicated guilty so he pled straight to the Judge who withheld adjudication so our client can still say he has never been convicted of any crime and Mr. Fetter is now removing this incident from his record.
Driving Under the Influence (Orange County)
- Date: November 30, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a DUI after being pulled over for missing taillights at night. The officer noticed there was several beers missing from a package inside her car and could smell alcohol coming off of her.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to avoid the mandatory 10 days in jail for a second DUI with five years as our client is a single mother. Mr. Fetter negotiated with the prosecutor and got her Judge on board to substitute the mandatory jail for 10 days of residential treatment.
Driving Under the Influence(Brevard County)
- Date: November 24, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving under the influence after being pulled over for speeding.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the Seminole County First Time Offender Program (FTOP). As part of this program, our client’s charges were reduced to reckless driving and by not being convicted of a DUI our client avoided the expensive mandatory DUI insurance.
Resisting an Officer without Violence(Orange County)
- Date: November 16, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for resisting an officer without violence after she refused to sign a criminal speeding ticket.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor assigned to this case and convince him to refer out client to the new Orange County resisting an officer without violence diversion program. Our client completed the diversion program and all charges against our client were completely dropped. Mr. Fetter is now expunging this case from our clients record.
Possession of Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia (Orange County)
- Date: November 6, 2020
- Facts: Our client was given a notice to appear for possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to speak with the prosecutor assigned to this case and convince him not to file any charges as Orange County is no longer prosecuting small drug crimes.
Fraudulent use of Personal Information and Grand Theft (Orange County)
- Date: November 1, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for fraudulent use of personal information and grand theft after she used a friends information to purchase a mattress.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to work out a plea agreement that allowed our client to not become a convicted felon and will help he
Domestic Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: October 27, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after an argument became physical during a custody exchange between the two parties.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to speak with the prosecutor assigned to this case and convince him not to file charges as this was a big misunderstanding. Our client was acting in self defense as she was struck while holder her young child.
Domestic Battery (Orange County)
- Date: October 14, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for domestic battery after the police were called by a driver in reference to a couple fighting inside his car as he was driving on the 408. Due to inconsistent stories between our client and his girlfriend about how the fight started and how it escalated our client was arrested.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to speak with the prosecutor assigned to this case and convince him not to file charges as this was a big misunderstanding and his girlfriend would not be willing to go to court and testify and she did not want to be associated with this case. Now, we are immediately able to start expunging his record
Driving While License Suspended (Seminole County)
- Date: October 13, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for driving while license suspended after he was stopped for speeding and did not have a valid license
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able identify all items currently suspending our clients driver’s license. We then helped our client fix each item. This allowed him to fully reinstate his driver’s license and although our client was under a DUI revocation and on probation at the time Mr. Fetter was able to get his Violation and probation case and resolve his driving with a suspended license charge with a reduced charge with no probation and no jail.
Driving Under the Influence (Seminole County)
- Date: October 5, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for a DUI after the police were called to the scene of an accident. After completing the crash report, they began a DUI investigation as they suspected our client to be under the influence of alcohol due to displaying “signs of impairment.”
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the Seminole County First Time Offender Program (FTOP). As part of this program, our client’s charges were reduced to reckless driving and by not being convicted of a DUI our client avoided the expensive mandatory DUI insurance.
Aggravated Battery and Battery (Seminole County)
- Date: September 30, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after she called the police during an altercation with her boyfriend.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter acted quickly and reached out to our client’s boyfriend to get his sworn statement. Once we received the sworn declination of prosecution the State prosecutor agreed not to file any charge against our client. A “No Information” notice was filed later that day and the case was dropped completely.
Petit Theft with One Prior (Seminole County)
- Date: September 30, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after concealing several items within a bag at Walmart
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter negotiated with the prosecutor to keep this case in misdemeanor court and not be filed on as a felony. Additionally, Mr. Fetter was able to plea this case out with an “out the door offer.” This means there was no jail, no probation and no community service and our client was not convicted of the crime.
Driving while License Suspended ( Volusia County)
- Date: September 18, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after he was caught driving without a suspended license.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to help our client reinstate his license and avoid an HTO (Habitual Traffic Offender) status on his driver’s license. Mr. Fetter was able to resolve this case by allowing our client to keep his license and avoid any type of probation or supervision.
Habitual Traffic Offender ( Orange County)
- Date: September 11, 2020
- Facts: Our client received a letter stating her license would be suspended and revoked for a period of 5 years due to classified HTO (Habitual Status Offender) status. Our client paid off a bunch of tickets that triggered this event.
- Outcome: Our client had three strikes/ convictions on her driver’s license within a 5 year period and this classified her as a habitual traffic offender. Mr. Fetter was able to reverse all three strikes on her driver’s license and remove her from HTO status. Our client now enjoys a fully reinstate driver’s license without a convictions.
Violation of Sex Offender Probation ( Volusia County)
- Date: August 21, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after he violated his probation by not completing all of the required classes/ counseling as part of his sex offender probation. As a sex offender, our client scored many years in prison.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to reach out to the prosecutor and our client’s probation officer. Our client’s probation officer confirmed while he wasn’t finished with counseling he had never been late or missed a meeting. The prosecutor was the same prosecutor that prosecuted our client initially and wanted him to serve many years in prison. Mr. Fetter was able to establish our client had been perfect with all other terms of his probation so the Judge dismissed and successfully terminated him from probation over the prosecutors objection.
Resisting an Officer without Violence and Possession of Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia (Orange County)
- Date: August 16, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after he was pulled over for a traffic violation of an improper right turn. A K9 unit was brought out to search the vehicle after our client had denied the officers request to search. The K9 alerted for drugs and our client was arrested.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with the prosecutor to not file any felony charges. Once the case was downgraded to a misdemeanor, Mr. Fetter was able to work out a plea agreement that allowed our client to not be convicted of any charge and have no probation or serve any jail time.
Felony Battery on a Person 65 Year or Older (Seminole County)
- Date: July 15, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested after getting into a physical altercation with his father.
- Outcome: Once hired, Mr. Fetter acted quickly and reached out to meet with the client’s father to get his sworn statement and file it with the court and prosecutor. The State prosecutor agreed not to file any charge against our client. A “No Information” notice was filed later that day and the case was dropped completely. Mr. Fetter is now expunging our clients record so this arrest will no longer be public information and will not show on a background check.
Felony Driving While License Suspended (Seminole County)
- Date: June 2, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for felony driving while license suspended (DWLS) after being legally stopped for a failing to stop at a stop sign. When the Officer ran her license she had more than seven active suspensions on her driver’s license.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to first convince the State to file only misdemeanor suspended license charges and then assisted our client with reinstating her license. Once our client was able to fully reinstate her driver’s license, we were then able to get the State to further reduce the charges down so we could resolve her case without a suspended license conviction and keep her now 100% valid license.
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Orange County)
- Date: May 26, 2020
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of heroin after being searched during a traffic stop.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for a level two drug diversion program. After completing the three terms of her program (4 hour substance abuse class, 4 hours of community service and pay cost of prosecution) her case was completely dismissed.
Battery on a Security Officer (Orange County)
- Date: April 2 2020
- Facts: Our Client lives out of state and was arrested while on vacation for Battery on a Security Officer after a Disney security officer attempted to break up a physical altercation between our client and his brother in law.
- Outcome: We were able to investigate the case and Mr. Fetter was able to get the State Attorneys office to drop the case by filing a “No Information” notice as we were able to show the prosecutor there was a lack of evidence corroborating the security officers story.
Burglary of a Dwelling, Possession of Cocaine, Using a Foreign DL (Orange County)
- Date: February 26, 2020
- Facts: Our client was in jail on no bond status after being arrested multiple times. He had four active cases that included burglary of a dwelling, possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia, petit theft and using a foreign drivers license.
- Outcome: Our client was previously a convicted felon who served time in prison. Although our client scored a mandatory prison sentence Mr. Fetter was able to involve the Orange County Sheriffs office, the arresting officer and the lead prosecutor and was able to work out a single plea agreement for all of his cases that allowed our client to be released from jail that same day and avoid any additional prison or jail time.
Sexual Battery with a Child and Lewd and Lascivious Behavior x 2 (Orange County)
- Date: December 6, 2019
- Facts: Our client was accused of inappropriately touching his step daughter.
- Outcome: Our client was accused of trying to have sex with his minor step-daughter in the middle of the night and was facing a mandatory life in prison sentence and would be required to register permanently as a sex offender. Through interviewing witnesses and investigating the case Mr. Fetter was able to find inconsistencies with the child’s account of what happened and through lab results we were able to confirm there was no DNA tying our client to this incident. As a result the State Attorney’s Office completely dismissed all charges. We are now expunging his record so this incident can be shredded and removed from public records.
Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon (Orange County)
- Date: September 5, 2019
- Facts: Our client was arrested for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon after accidentally forgetting he had a gun in his carry-on luggage at the Orlando International Airport.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to interview all TSA and all Orlando Police Department personnel involved in this arrest. Through depositions, we were able to determine that although out client had identified the luggage as his, the government didn’t know who packed the suitcase, when the suitcase was packed, and how many people where in his traveling party and who put the suitcase on the conveyor belt. Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon has a 3 year mandatory minimum prison sentence. We were able to resolve his case with no jail and no prison.
Aggravating Stalking (Orange County)
- Date: April 19, 2019
- Facts: Our client was arrested after an arrest warrant was issued for aggravated stalking after continuing communication his ex- girlfriend after a temporary injunction had been granted.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able meet with our clients ex- girlfriend and have her sign a sworn declination of prosecution stating she did not want to be involved in this case, would not testify and did not want charges brought against our client. The State Attorney assigned to this case filed a “No Information” in this case which dropped all charges against our client.
DUI Alcohol or Drugs (Seminole County)
- Date: April 16, 2019
- Facts: Our Client was arrested for a DUI in Seminole County after being stopped for speeding and no taillights. The Officer asked our client to perform field sobriety tests which he said our client failed.
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to get our client approved for the Seminole County First Time DUI Offender (FTOP) program. This program allowed our client to complete several tasks and in return his DUI was reduced to a reckless driving, alcohol related. This allowed our client to avoid a DUI conviction and the expensive mandatory insurance that is required after a DUI conviction.
Grand Theft (Orange County)
- Date: January 8, 2019
- Facts: Our client had two after cases after entering a Walmart and running out with a 49” flat screen TV. He was caught after police were called to a house in reference to a domestic dispute with a vehicle that matched the description of the get away vehicle
- Outcome: Mr. Fetter was able to negotiate with his prosecutor to not file any formal charges in this case.