Criminal Defense Traffic Attorney

A criminal traffic offense is a more serious traffic infraction than just a basic speeding ticket or parking ticket. Based upon an individual’s prior driving record, criminal traffic offences can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony.

All criminal traffic offenses will be permanently documented on your driving record. Most criminal traffic offenses are enhanceable, meaning that you will face harsher mandatory penalties for a subsequent offense. Additionally, many criminal traffic offenses carry a mandatory conviction and other criminal traffic offenses carry a mandatory driver’s license revocation. As little as three criminal traffic offense convictions can cause you to be classified as a habitual traffic offender that will result in a mandatory five-year driver’s license revocation.


The facts of your criminal traffic case matter

There are many defenses available to contest a Florida criminal traffic charge.  Important questions need to be asked and answered to determine any potential criminal responsibility.  These questions include:

  • Is there any video evidence of this incident?
  • Were there witnesses to this incident?
  • Were you read your Miranda rights?
  • Were any of your statements illegally obtained?
  • Is there a lack of evidence or a conflict in the evidence?

Florida criminal traffic offences include:


At a free consultation, I can consider whether the following options may be available, depending on the facts and circumstances of your particular case:

Dismissing the Charge

I can move to dismiss all criminal charges against your or ask the prosecutor to reduce any felony charges to either a misdemeanor offense or a civil infraction.

Avoiding Conviction

I can negotiate with the prosecutor and the court in an effort to secure a withhold of adjudication. This final disposition allows you to avoid a formal conviction, avoid any points on your license and avoid another period of suspension.

Seeking a Lenient Sentence

I can present the court with background information and mitigating evidence that may result in a more lenient case result.

Sealing Your Records

After your case is resolved, I can petition the court to seal or expunge all of the records relating to your criminal traffic arrest and prosecution. This would require the clerk to destroy your court file and give you the legal right to truthfully state (with a few limited exceptions) that you had not been arrested or charged with the crime.

Criminal Defense Traffic Lawyer

If you were recently arrested or charged with a criminal traffic offense, please call my Orlando based criminal defense law firm at 407-740-7275 to discuss your options.  I offer a free consultation so that I can learn about you, learn about your case and determine how I can help.

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A criminal traffic offense is a more serious traffic infraction than just a basic speeding ticket or parking ticket. Based upon an individual’s prior driving record, criminal traffic offences can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony.

All criminal traffic offenses will be permanently documented on your driving record. Most criminal traffic offenses are enhanceable, meaning that you will face harsher mandatory penalties for a subsequent offense. Additionally, many criminal traffic offenses carry a mandatory conviction and other criminal traffic offenses carry a mandatory driver’s license revocation. As little as three criminal traffic offense convictions can cause you to be classified as a habitual traffic offender that will result in a mandatory five-year driver’s license revocation.


The facts of your criminal traffic case matter

There are many defenses available to contest a Florida criminal traffic charge.  Important questions need to be asked and answered to determine any potential criminal responsibility.  These questions include:

  • Is there any video evidence of this incident?
  • Were there witnesses to this incident?
  • Were you read your Miranda rights?
  • Were any of your statements illegally obtained?
  • Is there a lack of evidence or a conflict in the evidence?

Florida criminal traffic offences include:


At a free consultation, I can consider whether the following options may be available, depending on the facts and circumstances of your particular case:

Dismissing the Charge

I can move to dismiss all criminal charges against your or ask the prosecutor to reduce any felony charges to either a misdemeanor offense or a civil infraction.

Avoiding Conviction

I can negotiate with the prosecutor and the court in an effort to secure a withhold of adjudication. This final disposition allows you to avoid a formal conviction, avoid any points on your license and avoid another period of suspension.

Seeking a Lenient Sentence

I can present the court with background information and mitigating evidence that may result in a more lenient case result.

Sealing Your Records

After your case is resolved, I can petition the court to seal or expunge all of the records relating to your criminal traffic arrest and prosecution. This would require the clerk to destroy your court file and give you the legal right to truthfully state (with a few limited exceptions) that you had not been arrested or charged with the crime.

Criminal Defense Traffic Lawyer

If you were recently arrested or charged with a criminal traffic offense, please call my Orlando based criminal defense law firm at 407-740-7275 to discuss your options.  I offer a free consultation so that I can learn about you, learn about your case and determine how I can help.

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