About the Orange County Drug Court Program
Orange County Drug Court is a voluntary court program that provides for the identification, evaluation, case management and placement for persons with serious substance abuse addiction. The Drug Court judge (currently the Honorable Reginald Whitehead) reviews progress reports and conducts biweekly Drug Court hearings for each participant. Incidents of noncompliance (failed drug tests, missed drug tests, poor group counseling attendance, etc.) are reported to the drug court judge and participants may be sanctioned accordingly. Orange County Drug Court has maintained a 70% graduation rate since its inception in 2000.
Drug Court: Four Phases and Three Tracks
Orange County Drug Court consists of four phases. There are three different Orange County diversion tracks: diversionary Drug Court, probationary Drug Court and post-plea Drug Court. The Drug Court approval process for all three tracks start with filling out an Orange County Drug court Participation agreement. Drug Court provides incentives and rewards for compliance and sanctions for violating Drug Court program rules. Treatment follows a graduated model with constant drug testing and monitoring for abstinence from drugs. Although sanctions such as detention may occur, the focus and goal remains to modify behavior in order to eliminate the cycle of drug abuse and recurring delinquent crime.
Diversionary Drug Court
The most common Drug Court Track. Diversionary Drug Court is for participants with little or no criminal history. This is the best of the three Drug Court programs as completion of diversionary Drug Court will result in the complete dismissal of all drug-related charges.
Orange County Drug Diversion Policy
Probationary Drug Court
Probationary Drug Court is for participants who are currently on probation and violate probation. If the current probation violation relates to new drug charges or a drug related violation such as a positive drug test then probationary Drug Court may be a way to avoid a felony drug conviction and jail sentence.
Post-Plea Drug Court
Post-plea Drug Court is for participants with a criminal history and significant drug problem. Post-plea Drug Court can be used to avoid a lengthy prison sentence.
Orange County Adult Drug Court Contact Information
425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 325
Orlando, Florida 32801
Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Court is typically held every other Friday in Courtroom 4D
Phone: 407-836-0419
Fax: 407-836-0528
About the Orange County Drug Court Program
Orange County Drug Court is a voluntary court program that provides for the identification, evaluation, case management and placement for persons with serious substance abuse addiction. The Drug Court judge (currently the Honorable Reginald Whitehead) reviews progress reports and conducts biweekly Drug Court hearings for each participant. Incidents of noncompliance (failed drug tests, missed drug tests, poor group counseling attendance, etc.) are reported to the drug court judge and participants may be sanctioned accordingly. Orange County Drug Court has maintained a 70% graduation rate since its inception in 2000.
Drug Court: Four Phases and Three Tracks
Orange County Drug Court consists of four phases. There are three different Orange County diversion tracks: diversionary Drug Court, probationary Drug Court and post-plea Drug Court. The Drug Court approval process for all three tracks start with filling out an Orange County Drug court Participation agreement. Drug Court provides incentives and rewards for compliance and sanctions for violating Drug Court program rules. Treatment follows a graduated model with constant drug testing and monitoring for abstinence from drugs. Although sanctions such as detention may occur, the focus and goal remains to modify behavior in order to eliminate the cycle of drug abuse and recurring delinquent crime.
Diversionary Drug Court
The most common Drug Court Track. Diversionary Drug Court is for participants with little or no criminal history. This is the best of the three Drug Court programs as completion of diversionary Drug Court will result in the complete dismissal of all drug-related charges.
Orange County Drug Diversion Policy
Probationary Drug Court
Probationary Drug Court is for participants who are currently on probation and violate probation. If the current probation violation relates to new drug charges or a drug related violation such as a positive drug test then probationary Drug Court may be a way to avoid a felony drug conviction and jail sentence.
Post-Plea Drug Court
Post-plea Drug Court is for participants with a criminal history and significant drug problem. Post-plea Drug Court can be used to avoid a lengthy prison sentence.
Orange County Adult Drug Court Contact Information
425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 325
Orlando, Florida 32801
Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Court is typically held every other Friday in Courtroom 4D
Phone: 407-836-0419
Fax: 407-836-0528